Vista/ET ZeroPointConnection Lags

Hi2u >.< Since i got Vista now i got some Problems with my Connection.
Like every 10-12 Seconds i got a 999 Lag for about 2-3 Seconds ...

Im playing over Wireless ( DSL 10000 , Unity Media . NETGEAR Router).

I think its the ZeroPoint Connection , i had the same Problem over XP ... there it was fixable , here i cant find a Solution

Gimmeh Help :)

So Far

EDIT:Look down for Phates Post , works fine :)
i think you should try with wire >:
i dont want to spin a cable all trough my apartment >.<
give it a try? =)
There´s a tool which can force windows not to search for new WLAN-connections periodically. Can´t remember the name and don´t know if that´s the problem, but maybe a hint.
Yup thats t3h Problem ... need that toooool GIEEF ^^
Sry really can´t remember the name, it was postet a few weeks ago in some journal :/
I've got the same problem but im using windows xp
got a new pc with a new wireless card and the antenna is like 1,50m over the ground and has to send it's signal ~6 meters though a ceiling
with xp np...

Short Explain in German
"Start ->
Arbeitsplatz rechte Maustaste
-> Verwalten
-> Dienste
-> Konfigurationsfreie Wlanblibblablub auf Manuel stellen (d.h. jedes mal wenn du deinen PC anmachst , musst du sehr wahrscheinlich den Spaß erst wieder Aktivieren , bevor dem kein INterenet. Hast dann aber diese Laggs nichtmehr :)"

Have fun
doenst help, still get these 999 lags
uhm ? deactivate this stuff , and try again
ok habs unter eigenschaften deaktiviert und nochmal mit rechtsklick beendet -> keine lags mehr :) danke
aber gibt es kein tool das solche tasks beim starten von alleine ausführt? ziemlich nervig wenn man das immer wieder machen muss =/
True ... nja bin ich halt auch auf der suche nach ... ;/ daher der post hier
Use an ZPM

image: Zpm
haha Stargate Atlantis oh Yes xD
got exactly the same problem :D but i have xp, need help (ZeroWireless doesnt work for me)

Klar du dummbeutel ;>

"Start ->
Arbeitsplatz rechte Maustaste
-> Verwalten
-> Dienste
-> Konfigurationsfreie Wlanblibblablub auf DEAKTIVIEREN! (d.h. jedes mal beim neustart des pcs wieder anstellen und wieder deaktivieren nachdem die Verbindung hergestellt ist)
[ger]danke wenn das klappt hasse ein gut bei mir[/ger]

KLAPPT :DDDDDDDDDD Wenne das brauchs pm me
xD was sag ich ^^

Darfst mich dann auch gott nennen
WLAN Optimizer

works great for me.
True , no more Lags @ all :>

<3 u thx
only for vista ?
I think so, yes.
But there should be something similar for xp :O)
just leave ZeroPoint Connection and other 3rd party tools just disable via msconfig
i use wireless, its shit. u need to get some home plugs, search them somewhere, cost about £40 but they work a treat! although i use that zeropoint thing n it seems to work as i dont really tend to lag as much as i should
VAL (Vista Anti Lag) GOOGLE IT!
Wireless zero shutdown

Works perfect on xp, dunno about vista.
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