need an OC team, quick!

Bilgrim needs an OC team!

Seeing as Belgianlions went super epic fail on me, and OC signups close tommorow, I'm in need of a team for the event!

I'd prefer if you had a somewhat knowledge of the game and you were not newly formed but the second one isn't that important as long as you have plans to be stable. It would also be great if the leader knew what he was doing.

Some information about me:[/u]
  • Stable & Mature
  • Reliable
  • Experienced
  • Around med skill
  • Prefer to play medic / fops

Some things I will expect from you:[/u]
  • Stable
  • English speaking
  • Active, training around 3 times a week
  • Playing OC
  • Have vent and gameserver etc.
  • Good comms
  • Around med skilled

/query Bilgrim @ irc if your interested, thanks.

image: fail-owned-mcd-sign-fail

Shoutout to Niko and Sean! (forced)
big font is big kewl
Good luck WILLIE

gl Billllllll
it was for the greater good, bil.

bill there bits missing :)
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