
Hi cf,

Today we're anouncing that our recruitment is standing open.We are on the look for a few players to complete our line-up.Our requierments and demands will be listed below lined up together with what you can expect from us. Crossfire might not be the proper section to recruit for cod4 but still, it has proven to work previously.

What we requier from you:
  • A skill of med+
  • Active and Motivated
  • Good knowledge of the game together with a bit of common sense
  • Dedicated to the game

What you can expect from us:
  • A skill of med+
  • Provided with a Gameserver and a Ventrilo
  • Dedicated to the game
  • Active, motivated and stable

Our lineup:
  • Belgium rBl specops)
  • Netherlands sexbott assult
  • Netherlands Dweez specops
  • Europe You. scope[/i]
  • Europe You assult

Contacting us can be done on:
  • IRC: #discord-gaming
  • Xfire: chilltotheqlimax

Note for the scope: Should be good on comms and able to help and cover our rushers.
2nd note: We'd prefer either Belgian or Dutch players, yet we are trialing EU players aswell.

Thanks for reading and have a nice after-noon
pm cuttyP, he fucking owns at cod4
pm cuttyP, he fucking owns at cod4
pm cuttyP, he fucking owns at cod4
pm cuttyP, he fucking owns at cod4
C-C-C-Combo Breaker!
Epic awesomeness.
I can be your awesome assult, already know 2 maps crash and vacant, and a bit crossfire :XD
Luf u Nick, gl :)
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