Surprise Surprise Surprise ...


Hello folk!

First of all, Im not cc6 avi unfortunately, but hey who would have wanted me there? .. maybe bIITTI.

So I'm clanless again. 8(

My iNfo

- Name: Toni
- Age: 18
- Skill: med
- Great Comms? rly :o
- Not just aim, brain too. :DD
- Speaking United Kingdom / Finland

Ur iNfo

- Active
- Med skilled atleast
- NO 2 weeks clan
- Ventrilo and Matchserver
- NO Cheaters

You can contact me in IRC /q Toniiii`Xfect

That's about all, flame on!<3
gl toNi
Good luck, have fun!
good luck toNi :D
its just the name ...
idd :D IGN is what matters. :)
nice guy gl!
i seriously thought it was toNi

Then I read "med"

toni! gl mate
thanks my m8<3 :D
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