decent player here..

Hi 2 u.

If you are looking for a nice mid/+ skilled smg or decent rifle contact me via irc on #subtilitas pm fuxi```.

I am 17 in januar polish nolagger with a good expirience from random cups and cb/wl leagues.

My ex clans - iStar, subtilitas, dst and more.
last wArning! but i got conflict with John+leader so i had to leave.

And please all childrens who want to blame me dont replz cuz i am sick of that.

Thank you.

EDIT: you can also find me on #wolfpl
john+nyke having conflicts with other players?? that has to be a joke!

gl anyway
Yes, nyke is the kind of person i can imagine you would have conflicts with.
QuoteI am 17 in januar polish nolagger

Ofc Mr. "polish-nolagger"! ;) :DDD omg! they sux and changes their lineup 2times per one week.
they sucked before or after u left?:>
both ofcourse
Polish and nolagger? impossible :X
Take him, he is a good player and a very friendly guy.
I would check his guid @
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