modem refreshing prob..

my mate got a problem, which needs to be solved, cause it makes it harder for us to play together.

my mate has got wifi, which is connected to his pc. that wifi catches signal from the router in another room (where my mate got no access to). the problem is that my mate has got a 2 to 5 second lasting lags from time to time. we suppose its the the modem that is refreshing every 2 minutes.

technical info:
wifi: d-link

how can the lags stop? another question: how can my mate solve it (e.g. stop refreshing modem if that is a problem).

thank you,
I had the same problem back when I used wireless, had 3 seconds of lag every minute.
Never managed to solve it.
ask your provider >.<
Wireless Zero Shutdown
thanks for proving it once again! xD
haha, was no use anyway :D already had all the pics :p
Quotewhere my mate got no access to

He should get an own connection instead of hijacking foreign networks :p
haha nice :p
but seriously, thats the charm of renting half an appartment :)
he should make a wire-connection to the modem.
start->right button on my computer->manage->services and applications->services->wireless zero configuration->startuptype: Manuel (disabled)
or download wireless zero shutdown, and ur problem is solved:D
thank you, he will surely try it!
Use wire
oaah that just sucks !
mabye it will help...
wireless sucks
wireless rocks, i, for example, can lie on my bad with laptop! so pls, garg!
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