Kaide needs oc team

Just noticed that divitea didnt even bother to sign up to the oc, so I'm in need of an team :D


Played premier last season
medic, somewhat skilled I think
contact: Kaide` @qnet
I can also be backup


OC Premier would be nice, but then again, I guess its kinda late to ask for such a thing now, so 2nd div is fine too
would be nice if I knew some people in your team, not a must
gl Finland kaide
gl evilvoice <3
gl, nice pushing my thread down!
gl kaide
kaide <3 i need one aswell :P
good luck
gl mate:)
hi pizza :>
gluck guide!
oc = oceans cup or? :D!
we once played together, he dident die so often and damage was decent - take him ^^
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