
posting for gifted

Gifted telling the truth:
First of all I would like to say that 'player' has impressive spelling/name skills, +1 to you.
Now I would like to tell the truth , cuz more then 50 % of above are lies.
We never ever played any official with phan on clanbase, Dieter was just there to make it look more real so we could play random cups + prac with our full line up. I dont understand why me & ali should be banned from clanbase and why sup3r should get a 10 year ban. If there is a rule that your not allowed to have multiple accounts then he should be banned for that.
About the cheating rumours, sup3r only cheated 2 years ago a few months with a private bot. He selfbusted and leaked the bot afterwards. Last summer he cheated 10 mins with a nexus bot and received his 2Nd bust.
ABout the rest of our team, no1 knew it was sup3r besides me. And every1 saying our team is all about cheats they were all wrong. In phan we have 3 ex cheaters out of 8, chizzel and al7 were both banned for using public hax long time and sup3r was banned twice. The last months we pracced all legit and owned alot of teams. If we would go to lan we would have owned several teams and probly placed top 10.
So to make things clear, dieteman never played any cb offi for phan & none of my team was aware that it was sup3r.

<Phan|Gifted> en doe phan|gifted weg
<Phan|Gifted> irc logs mag nie :D
i want to believe!
yeh but there clean now and they wanna proof themself at LAN so i say let them play
parra please het zijn retards ga jij hun helpen?
ik mag die ali en gifted gewoon en ik vind jouw ook nog steeds een retard
makat mij niet uit wat jij van mij vindt dan help je hun toch?
oh ja en al1 is ook een retard
this is just utter bullshit that the others didn't knew it was sup3r. Whole phan team played first with sup3r and then with dieteman so what about voice etc ?
About the cheating rumours, sup3r only cheated 2 years ago a few months with a private bot. He selfbusted and leaked the bot afterwards. Last summer he cheated 10 mins with a nexus bot and received his 2Nd bust.

enough for a 100 year ban for me
loads of hackers, just accept flame & bans.

what do u expect lolplz
what parra said

Al1 who knew "THE REAL DIETEMAN" before, is also the one that recruited "THE SUP3R DIETEMAN" to the clan.

BUT somehow he still didnt know, it was not the same dieteman ?
Dieteman played in ET Masters, its enough to ban all you fags for 1337 years. Hahah cheating cunts. Cry Gifted cry you little fag.
just ban hem all ffs

About the cheating rumours, sup3r only cheated 2 years ago a few months with a private bot. He selfbusted and leaked the bot afterwards. Last summer he cheated 10 mins with a nexus bot and received his 2Nd bust.

enough for a 100 year ban for me
That team played with sup3r for several months. Now you're saying they didn't atleast recognize sup3r's voice on vent. God you and your fuckfriends are so retarded.
i played with them from time to time, most of us never played with super before so..
This story is so full of shit, it's like saying toNi isn't cheating
I tried :< but looking on a blank page is the same
Yes and im Santa clause
why didnt u pay me a visit last year ;(<
what have you done to deserve it my son?
1. It's not about multiple accounts but about returning while banned
2. How come they didn't know? Lol he used voice changer? :D
3. If you didn't tell them it's him, that means you lied, you understand that? you lied to your clan, to your clanmates, and you think WE will believe you?
4. It doesn't matter if you didn't play offi in CB. You played with a busted cheater, you hide it and lied to everyone around. losser
QuoteIf we would go to lan we would have owned several teams and probly placed top 10.

Now that's an achievement if there's 16 teams playing!
Unfortunately there are more than 16 teams .
what lan are you talking about that had an ET tourney with more than 16 teams?
cc5 !!
(and cc6 i guess)
I guess the ones from Crossfire .
The only one that had more than 16 teams is CC5 and tbh it wasn't that hard to end in the top10 on the previous 5 lans that crossfire had.
it acutally is since there are mostly skilled ppl mr.iaccuseotherpplbeingnazi

lOloLoLOlOOL fucking low+max. got so high ego but low in et. proofed alot of times in wars
you stfu and get lost

go play with gifted or smth
go play with Adi u noob :)
Playing with 3 busted cheaters! Fuck off cheaterlover. Once a cheater always a cheater, care if he used it pub or ET pro he is still a cheater. If the clanleader allows 3 cheaters to play, the leader should be banned imo since he knew they have used hax.

About the cheating rumours, sup3r only cheated 2 years ago a few months with a private bot. He selfbusted and leaked the bot afterwards. Last summer he cheated 10 mins with a nexus bot and received his 2Nd bust.

PLS you just owned yourself with that quote
We don't care about CB ban and how long.

Just all of us must ignore them. I mean :

- refuse to play prac against them
- don't accept them in 1 day cups
- don't play their 1 day cups

And why ?

Even if they don't cheat anymore, they are immature arrogant kids

sup3r is still cool 8)
im playing with M3RC and noone cares
Super history of pbbans

Etbot: (got a 3month cb ban)
nexus: (got a 12month cb ban)
oh whats this? another pbban kick?

so should have been 10 years even if he didn't return, but your spastic brother didn't even appreciate it and made another cb account.

now to answer your question

1) "Nothing wrong with creating accounts"

QuoteAny player creating a new account (this includes re-activating old accounts) while currently serving a ban, will receive the following punishment:
If the suspension period is shorter than 12 months, 12 months from playing
If the suspension period is 12 months or longer, permanent (120 months) from playing

2) Why should we get a ban if he didn't play?????"

QuoteIf a Clan uses a banned player (also applies to ClanBase Hosted Cups):
The one allowing the player to enter the clan (f.e. by inviting the player or by setting a key so players can invite themselves) will be banned for 6 months.
Who invited him?
Quote Last summer he cheated 10 mins with a nexus bot and received his 2Nd bust.

no it was only 1 miN!! :DDD

if you invite him into the team means that he could play offis! if you just need another member in your team why didn't you invite a friend?

no real reasons given here, so i'm sorry but you deserve a ban.
They were not aware that it was sup3r while playing with him all the time. Wouldn't you recocknize someone on vent then XD
And being busted multiple times doesn't really make it credible for us to believe any of what you tell us.

I would like to see you at LAN, just so you can proof yourself. But it probably won't happen.

seriously... what a lineup
Your team is shit tbh. 2nd Chizz6l cheated with public cheats in wars I remember some avi's kinda funny.
chizz6l is clean but its a fag!
same like junkies / fail life case, this team will get no ban too :(

clanbase making a clownbase out of themself if they dont punish such rule ignoring kids :/
tabloid junkies or something?
here is my diet for summer

Frukost: Havregryn: 1dl = 40gram ( 5g protein, 22g kolhydrater, 3g fett = 140kcal )
Ägg: två ägg = 110-120gram ( 12g protein, 2g kolhydrater, 10g fett = 150kcal )
Banan: en banan = 100gram ( 1g protein, 22g kolhydrater, 0.5g fett = 97 Kcal )
Proteinpulver: per portion = 24gram ( protein 20g, kolhydrat 1g, fett 0.9g = 93kcal )

mixxat å klart 480kcal

Efter träning: Proteinshake: per portion = 24gram ( protein 20g, kolhydrat 1g, fett 0.9g = 93kcal )
Banan: en banan = 100gram ( 1g protein, 22g kolhydrater, 0.5g fett = 97 Kcal )


Lunch: Ris: 0.6dl = 50gram ( 3.85g protein, 38,5g kolhydrater, 0.48g fett = 173kcal )
Tonfisk: en burk = 150gram ( 37g protein, 0g kolhydrater, 1.5g fett = 165kcal )

338kcal + grönsaker

Mellanmål: Proteinshake: per portion = 24gram ( protein 20g, kolhydrat 1g, fett 0.9g = 93kcal )


Middag: Ris: 0.6dl = 50gram ( 3.85g protein, 38,5g kolhydrater, 0.48g fett = 173kcal )
Tonfisk: en burk = 150gram ( 37g protein, 0g kolhydrater, 1.5g fett = 165kcal )

338kcal + grönsaker

Efterträning: Proteinshake: per portion = 24gram ( protein 20g, kolhydrat 1g, fett 0.9g = 93kcal )
Mini keso: 100gram = ( 11g protein, 2.5g kolhydrater, 1.5g fett = 70kcal )


Summa: 154g protein, 130g kolhydrater, 22,16g fett = 1602kcal
Thanks for the info.
QuoteHe selfbusted

mhm, after there were dozens of journals and forum posts about him cheating and after 97.3% of players were assured he cheats, he decided to "selfbust", and no1 knew it was him? what happened to his voice?

funny story, hf with your bans
ya indeed, none of those guys played wioth sup3r before, and never heard his voice, and would recognizr him again on vent now. honestly get the fuck out, and that private bot 2 years ago? dont think so? :c
just f o

your shit with hax.. g2 hurt
QuoteIf we would go to lan we would have owned several teams and probly placed top 10.

image: smileyface2

Belgian trash
"If we would go to lan we would have owned several teams and probly placed top 10." :')
I believe
'Last summer he cheated 10 mins with a nexus bot' ;=))))))))))))
I wonder who did the timing :D
i poop on ur mother
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