CC6 Organisation Tips & Tricks

Hi all

With this post i d like to give some usefully tips (in my opinion allways) as long as it concerns the organisational sector .

In CC5 there was many problems with pc's setup .

The pc's was setting up separate and after each match the next clan was playing at the same pc's without some maintenance before.

Each player was able to setup drivers and many other programs so you can imagine how many tasks they was running afterwards from each match and how unstable the pc's was the last day.

The solution to all of that in my opinion is Symantec Ghost Cast Server.

With this program you can take a pc image after a fresh install and you can send it via network to all other pc's.

In this way you can have allways fresh pc's after each match.
The Ghost procedure it does not last more than 20 minutes in a gigabit lan.

Another solution it could be the Deep Freeze program whoever restores the pc in his initial situation after reboot.

And of course the monitors was a big issue at CC5.
I think the matches should be played at CRT monitors and if that is impossible then Crossfire must select 4:3 monitors.

Finally I would like to be reported in the subject of safety of matches cause at CC5 no one from the organizers watching the players at the duration of preparation and the installation of drivers etc.

My best wishes for a succesfully CC6
baseball bat
a big problem at cdc4 was mouse and keyboard settings.

i dont see why people cant just plug in your keyboard and mouse and work out your sensitivity by how much you turn when using the whole width of your mousepad.
totally agree with the Symantec Ghost Cast Server thingy.
They can't use CRTs, since there's no space (atleast not for 12 in a row). And they won't get 4:3 LCDs as it makes no sense to buy them for the LAN centre. They simply don't host enough competitions in there.

For the safety issue I gotta say that they watch every step of you since they almost threw us out because we brought our own water!
your fuckin kidding about the last sentence right?
No. I already made some great plans to trick them next event :-)
Well its easy. But 1 bottle of cola for example there. Drink it, and start filling it again. easy bash
What about Sprite? At least I never saw a transparent cola drink so far.
buy sprite and fill it with sprite
not so sure about it, but imo there was no sprite on sale.
1 bottle of coke = 0,2l. Have fun refilling that all the time :D

The biggest bottles they sold were water. 0,5l.
Share me your tricks!
they apparently didnt have the balls to bug me about that :D
I'm already pro at that job :p
You buy a beer cap?
For the safety issue i was meaning the possibility to use hack :D
what hack exactly do you think people are using on lan?
I never said that some people used hacks.
I just say that is possible if nobody looks at them to plug a usb stick with hack.
most of the time theres someone standing over your shoulder while you play though ? :]
At our last match my pc had a serius problem with all usb outputs and you saw that cause you was helping me, it was really unplayable my mouse was turned on and off during the match.
the solution seems to be for tosspot to clone me
Next time just open the case and drink from the liquid cooling
i thought this is gonna be somewhat of a journal how to save money, or how to get around cheaper etc etc :D
considering the monitors are shitty... they should at least be fair...

u forgot theres also lots of people who love tft, claimin its even better than crt.
and they're entirely wrong but still

If I were in buttonbashers position I would be preeeeeeeeetty raged about losing that final.
One of them is (after the result) - the others didn't care or preferred LCD.
I said I would probably be raged :\. Just because those other players don't see how much of a disadvantage they put themselves at doesn't mean I wouldn't. (and on top of the technology advantage I've also heard it was pretty quiet/closed where the CRTs were!)
Tell me about Deep Freeze, what does it do different to system restore point which we use.
When you enable it restores the system back to previous configuration after reboot.
Actually it never writes data to hdd.
You can even delete the windows folder and after reboot you havent lost anything.
people reboot when installing their drivers and stuff often though

tbh the problem isnt the setups, it takes me about 1 or 2 minutes to get the computer 100% ready to go with the exception of one that was overheating (the one bull played on next to the admin broom cupboard)

the problem is people who dont know how to setup their stuff efficiently
i guess it's easier if you use microsoft steadystate (it's free :>) as i mentioned in my post below. you can easily set up the user rights and such a "harddrive ghost image" - the access on the harddrive is just virtual; nothing is really written to it.
Yes, I considered that to but installing drivers take’s multiple reboots. The number of reboots per person is still undermined therefore the system restore is the better option imo.
You dont need reboot to instal mouse and keyboard drivers
Well that depends on what type, when installing any drivers reboots are recommended.
As far as I noticed there weren't too many problems but always the same as the soundbugs etc which could be prevented next time. The wallpaper should include those fixxes as short tut for ET settings or siimilar.
The main problem is people dont know how to setup their stuff efficiently and getting into problems.

i.e changing setting's but not knowing what they do
well okay, but just as an example. I was there for the first time and prepared all I could do @ home - even tested to reinstall everything etc. But for the parts someone else changed before regarding system setup etc etc noone can know that. Here a system reset would be needed. For the soundproblems where you needed to change random values @ console of ET noone can expect you to know that :)
If I remember correctly there was a bug with the sound drivers which was due to the default installation. Once we had reinstalled / updated them which took about 5 minutes and a reboot, the problem vanished. My point being many problems occurred some caused by both parties. Good co-operation between the technician and player usually fixes the problems within minutes.
just create a "default windows user" through steadystate -> after reboot all tasks and changes are gone. so you wont have any problems with programs a player used matches ago.
On my computer for cdc4, even after putting my settings in just as they should be, the sensitivity was still half what it should have been.

I much prefered CDC3 with the system restore
should be byoc
cricket bat
Tbh Symantec Ghost Cast Server is this best answer, its used at most colleges/schools.

Just allow each team 10 mins prior to match to get all their shit installed. once they've finished the match you start the image installing again. everythings back to normal. very fast and effective.

Deep freeze is a bad idea cause more often than not you need to restart just to fix small problems.
sick balls chopper
a lot of your requests are inpractical, such as the CRT monitors. the wzzrd cafe is a cybercafe, not a real lancentre.

Imho the main issue is the wzzrd pc's not being installed properly. The first install failed to include sound and chipsetdrivers. There's several bugs when installing new things which magicly opens up the Fear: Assault install :) Every time they maintain their pc's they restore it to the original backuppoint (which must be about 2 years old by now). At cc5 the technical problems were exactly the same as last crossfire lans.

In the end crossfire should have forced default winsettings for all players at their first lan, which would have saved a lot of time. All you should be allowed to change is the mouse drivers :) they shouldn t even allow registry fixes, but i guess its way to late for that :)
I feel bad for any linux users trying to replicate the feel of the input system :\

Fuck I don't even understand _WHY_ you need to install mouse drivers in the first place... The windows mouse input stack is a mess even in the most ideal of situations, when you add the typical windows driver mess in to the equation... it's only going to get ugly.

Sucks that you have to install the DA drivers to be able to update the firmware.
There are loads of other programs simillar/better than Symantec Ghost Cast Server. The admins should really do some research on this. System Restore doesn't fully restore everything (some settings may not be restored for example)
QuoteFinally I would like to be reported in the subject of safety of matches cause at CC5 no one from the organizers watching the players at the duration of preparation and the installation of drivers etc.

There is no way we could manage something like that. I think somebody would mention it to the admin’s if they saw any suspicious activity going on anyway.
dont forget to bring a small knife in case of trouble
don't forget the nightgoggles !
hey kerveros :D are you coming again this time?
btw nice suggestions
gimme plasma
Do you really think someone's retarded enough to cheat at an ET lan?
Has been done on Quakecon
and they didnt get busted
They did not use visibles
just human aimbot
QuoteBans 48,473

one of them ( not the polak )
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