Me needz team

Hoi.. Im looking for team...

-- playing medic or engy.
-- some skill (prefer test)
-- Mature, No whiner (not anymore xD)
-- TEAMPLAYER / follow tax / talk on vent
-- ex. clans: look @ profile :)
-- can play main lu or backup.

-- skilled stable team... Prefer team with players that have played together. Ergo no new projects unless its people i know...
-- playing in oc/ec

For more info spam me @ or just pm. me here (o:
edit: can go cc6 & pay for my own if right team (:
GL man, great played someone take him fast!
o,O O,o o,O O,o o,O O,o o,O O,o o,O O,o o,...
gl xcN , Hope you find a decent team :D <3
gl meitje
gl daniel danish ownerr <333
Gl frækkert
great player
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