EC clan for me??

You : must be playing in EC
can beat med in clanwar np for me
blabla, need team :>

lol this was joke :]

but wtf, some guys are fucking up the ec -.- with their lowskill

discuss :>
lol this was joke :<
It was good:DDDdd
but it's the truth man :<
you are fucking up crossfire with your low skill
stfu ' i reached crossfire med+ so i can whine about the people who are real low+! '
Your currently have a total of 35 points, when you reach 100 you will be banned. The length of the ban is determined by how many warnings you have received; e.g. If you got banned on your 5th warning then your account will be disabled for 10 days.

I've got no friends anymore, becouse of you starzi ( I'm a noname )!
thnx man <3-
keep practising, this was almost funny
n1 post! gl!
nice joke for a mature guy xD
Quotebut wtf, some guys are fucking up the ec -.- with their lowskill

thanks for saving us!!!
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