pinpals again in need

Hi ,We are in need of a HIGH skilled player (fops or medic) to play with us ET masters and EC qualifiers..(and then EC or OC)

We can offer you; stable line up, a lot of time playing together, and a skilled team.

You have to be SKILLED, good coms on vent (english),SERIOUS, and can prac(monday tuesday wenesday, thursday and sunday) since 22:00 to 24:00 CET.

Tryout this sunday...

If you are interested, pmme @ xfire or mirc: #THEPINPALS
WUTAFUK, gl gengis <333
what mighty perfo said
Who's gone?
nice training time -_-
GL Gengis, Polass and co <3 Oye Mi Cuerpo Pide Salsa !:)
buena surte tios
Gl pm :D
really nice guys... sorry for my fuckup back in past. :(
gl with pal3mk1
palemki = the fucking |-|0RR0R
you should have taken meh, hijos da putas [:[
:))) still loving u np <3
cu @ 3o3 ! :<
^z bielsze nie bedzie > u :D
GL guys !
gl guys :)
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