dMtc Recruiting...

dMtc is looking for skilled players. Want tryout just pm GiiN or tetsuo for test match.

- must be skilled ( med+ atleast. )
- must use comms at ventrilo.
- no banned players.
- must have a nice history.
- ...


Belgium tetsuo ( medic )
United Kingdom Mayni ( fop )
Belgium GiiN ( med )
Belgium jehoO ( medic )
Europe ? ( rifler )
Europe ? ( eng )
Europe ? ( ? )


Contact : #dMtc
to much belgians
gl mayni
gl mayni
busted one? :C
nice tetSchie!
gl guys =)
dmc > dmtc
jehoO new talent?
gl guys
gl Mayni
no banned player=tetsuo?
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