Problems with punkbuster

When I have played for a while my computer stucks up, I cant get even back in windows. I have to reboot. My friend tolds me that it says something about punkbuster and I reinstalled it but it didnt help. Then I deleted my ETkey and that didnt help neither.Ofc I updated my pb too and I have used pb_security 0 and I have done all the regular stuff but anything havent work yet. So help me please that I can come back to ET world. Thanks and Merry Christmas =)
any info bout ur pc? liek graphic card, processor? -.-
AMD 64 4000+, X800XL, 1GB DDR. So it isnt in my cpu I have played before with this combination. For windows installation I dont believe and if PB kicks me then how that could be dependent from my cpu.
thought u might have centrillo, my mate Scotland Scran is having probs with this processor ( horrible slowdown). no clue whats wrong -.-
I... have no idea.
u must do pb_security 0 not pc_security 0

I FOUND THE PROBLEM can I get a cookie now?
You have to wait for evenbalance to fix PB. Until then find something else to do.

Read a book or something.

Or play winterbell!
same for DabSter :( RIP my friend.
xD, thx mate
Have same problem.. Reinstaled ET, windows.. didnt help!
omg no shit sherlock?
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