
Yarw he is a idiot that he used WH @ MY SERVER...

image: 213rhpt
image: 2wr3zf7
image: jfjkg1
image: 24wbibl


Lazy ppl can watch it online but better download it from up link.


connection info: Userinfo: \cg_etVersion\ET Pro, ET 2.60\cg_uinfo\102 0 100 1\g_password\none\password\baco\cl_guid\DC7145419029CE15E10A90BD26C8E3A5\cl_anonymous\0\cl_wwwDownload\1\cl_punkbuster\1\rate\25000\snaps\20\name\^ereload^3.^7yaRw\ip\

his ip for real haters: (port if you rlly want is 27962)
his etpro guid: 36D9AE95E663585613D95C64ABF059C8E84E8A69
pb guid: DC7145419029CE15E10A90BD26C8E3A5
his acc @ crossfire: http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=user&mode=view&id=25919
his acc @ esl: http://www.esl.eu/eu/player/4285076/ ( you can check guids )
his xfire: laidbackluke
cb: he is t3chno in CB ---> banned !...

Not excact city info but close (rules....)
City (per outside source): Essen, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Country (per outside source): DE [Germany]

MUST be more than enough :P (someone want more just say it to me or rAzze)...
thomas gtfo... For the rest of the reload members we got something for you to ;)
info from biZa, and much help (video and more stuff) from my mate rAzze
dont mess with us...

I got some more info: he used paleHook
I'm solly 8<<<
laidbackluke sounds dutch
he is german he speaks german to @ vent. maar je hebt gelijk hoor...
Haha oke :)
a idiot
omg what an idiot
teammate of vitamin/znark, what do you expect :d
cool story bro. it means? that iam also hacking like always...srsly cool story i tried rcon pw stealer..and got kick for GAMEHOOK..."not even aimbot or wh" if yaRw fail with his "wh" if he have...thats not my fault..just for all check my ettv matches no aimbot no wh..just nothing and not any skilldrop so stfu...
never played you, never saw you playing but from what people hear some of your teammates like vitamin are multiple busted and rather obvious too. at least i can't say it surprises me that this busted palehook user is one of ur/vitamin's teammates =D
atleast not my fault if they using...all those guys are free..and if they want to hack ingame..i cant stop them... thats all so dont worry... :DDD
One idiot disappears from that fucking game.
yarw from re+born right ? :DD
"We powned you so please don't whine" :DDD <3
Thats for pissing me off Thomas.
Always knew he is cheating
hmm haxors bust haxors :D:D wp
If you say so mate!
I'd like to see your evidence for calling me cheater. Surely that you don't have ANY , so GTFO AND STFU.
not anymore :O
lol :D he sucks with hacks too
It's a bug, everyone can get those screenshots!
hahahahah xD
nothing obvious i mean every good player checks out these places

Stop baning for some stupid avis
oke w.e BUT the screenshots are very obvious
Hah! So every skilled player SHOOTS on players when they are behind the walls , follows them behind the walls with his crosshair , AND EVERY skilled player has PB SS LIKE THESE. :)
playing with busted cheaters, what do you expect?

(vitamin etc)
obvious speedhack and aimbot !
msn / avast bug!
I dont see the point to make a video when you got PBSS xD
YE I HAcked with pale Hook :) np , i fuking pown , ET is anyway dead so np
and ALEX (aka h4te, snoox, xAlex etc.. ) busted cb just ask killerboy he know this bulgarian tard
just 4 the info alex when antipro comes u = low , like me so just gtfo and u was a hacker and u re still a hacker i just fuck on u Kancer and
biza (aka Valti) nC nub u re retardet too xD (in 3 days from low + to med + ) np

SoRRY m8 that i was hacking, np 4 me :)

and znArk and rest of reload dont know that i was hacking and i know that the guys are all clean !! (not alex)

shoutout to : znArk <3 good friend (no hacker rly !!!)
VITAMIIN ( artur <3 bruda )
slidz /my frenchtard
JEFF ( my nigga :) )
andy ( meine rifle )
BloOdy (sorry das ich dich immer kaputt gemacht habe im war / hab immer angemacht xX ).
lopata( m8 xD ur low now but u know why so <3)
Guys who i hate:
Razze: hacker (ex coder linux)
Valti (son of a beAaatch)

hahaha I know this is an old topic but ,bizza is an friend of me in real life . And I`ve been at his place and I never saw any hacks :D he is just good and shit but If u dont believe np :D
Yeah, since you are low brain , your post is taking effect too.
First go get some evidence of what you are saying , because you see I have enough for you :) and not only for you , but all others "friends of yours" so make them a favor and SHUT UP , otherwise watch them busted just like you, and you have nothing against me , just empty words , trying to make me "hacker" because I busted you so hard :). And BTW , I'm not busted/banned anywere , but you are banned on clanbase thats why you went ESL and lol I am rly rofling when I'm reading your post xDDD so low- just like your skillz in the game . And yes , BB ET should be best for you , since you got pwnd so hard .
u re not banned on cb ??
snoox / PROTOTYPE clan !! just look np xDD
retard and u re from bulgaria same ??
LoL , you won't stop , you are just making yourself more stupid then you really are , but if you want so , go ON , pissing me off in game and you saw what happened , continue to annoy me and see what happens next , but I wont warn you this time .

P.S Just empty words by a low guy "Prototype / snoox " haha GOGO proove it! :)

Yes I am not banned , want to show you my account? :) Can't do the same for you I'm afraid :SSS

P.S once again your penetrating mind came to N1 post xDDD , go go next 1 I'm rofling :)

OH , and BTW , it would be nice to learn to talk English , because you seeee , ehhm it's hard to guess what you are trying to say - RETARD :)
u just can lie like when we was playing, u never can stop lie yeh u stop anyway playing et so u can tell one time in ur life the truth or ? I tell the truth i dont have to lose smth
Yeah , doh I guess you have nothing to lose after I (with biZa) pwnd you so hard xDDD , so just make yourself a favor and gtfo , because you are really pathetic , it was really fail to join that noob team with all of you hacking ...... And telling the truth is a matter of proove you know? Saying all that for me makes no freaking sense because I can give you all of my demos , and all the stuff np , because I'm clean , playing clean , and I prooved it to you FUCKS not once in this shit "TEAM" . So please stop this spam , because it doesn't make any freaking sense , your brain can't thing of anything smart :)

BTW , say 1 more thing , and all others members of your noob team are going down , just like you . I have enough for them also :).
gogo :) np
ooh you dare me :o i rlly wanna do it, but getting stopd by some guys :< !!!!
care ?? gogo haxz0r :) i rly dont care that u bust me, its not my first time so np 4 me :p
though guy

be proud
OK , next busts coming :) your friends can thank you alot .

BTW , for those who want to know more , yaRw is now using cracked etbot 4.31
FUCK UR MUM u Ugly mongol get a life hope ur mum die on AIDS, u i net pussy
and i dont need to play with cracked et bot u retard
:x i HAVE THE OWNER BOT pale hook, hello it owns
No , you get life , get cancer you prick , your the 1 nolifer , paying for cheats so you can play game in the Internet . BTW considering of what you said you are not very intelligent. I can admit that you learn in low school , your parents are miserable , your life sux your girl friend is so ugly that you don't even enjoy her , so the only place that you LIVE is the Internet. Did I miss something? Oh yeah , your parents are so miserable so they can't afford you to go in a good school and study properly , and they can't even afford to buy you a good hack so you can play ET and jerk off on your multi kills. Did I miss something? Just by your comments it's obvious what your INTELLIGENCE QUOTIENT is , and all the other things I said . :). And I care to admit that other guys think that you are a complete idiot , read the posts xD
ownd? fedgulli aka hypnos nC and etx ?? pls stfu
100% WE moar rich than > u in ur cancer no money Country
I think not , but you are 100% more stupid then me for sure ;ddd , In my country the politic is shit , and my family is 100 more educated and rich than your miserable shit. LOL , look at yourself you can't even speak English , the language that every 1 SHOULD be able to talk WITHOUT problems . Not to mention about other languages :))) You are no match for me boy , go take a hand job and go to some private lessons :P , cause you are really lol brain xD
what a fail hate and valti :D:D
EHE-EHE-EHE! Why I don't see anything funny ?
its funny m8 :D:D

u get banned
then come back
then get banned
then come back
then get banned
then come back :D:D

and now no1 ban u anymore :D:D

gg wp :P
o rly? go show the bans then , cmon! show me where I'm busted for hack? go go
Cheaters in ET?

unexpected :D
photoshop ftw.
For sure it's photoshop! XDDDDDDDD
WHAHHAHHAHAHAH another gay who made my day!!!!!!!!!
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