Wolfenstein Quality Test <3

First clip, thought i'd give it a try :D


image: vlcsnap561486
Wow that looks horrible. It just looks like Enemy Territory with anti aliasing. In fact the textures are uglier. I cannot comprehend how they fucked this up so badly.
Any attempt at improving perfection can only fail. :P
are you making anymore et movies?
quality test with lowquality config aint gona work
agree with shuki + stream or gtfo
you dont fucking stream quality tests you retard, what is the point
2 show some gameplay & you dont use lowquality cfg either
thats... quite widish Oo
did you use some sharpen filter? if yes, you dont need it, it would look MUCH better without it, if not, then this game looks like shit by default.
you could use motion blur too, but i dont know if that can be done on that crap engine.

also, your clip is squished, another big minus...
not bad
siL has spoken
some textures reminds of an old wolfenstein but the player models are just horrible. like all have escaped from mental prison or vault-13. how they can fail so bad with that game.
too sharp imo
How can you pay 40 euro's for that crappy game?

Single player suck, 100% in 6/7 hours , the multiplayer is full of lagging american servers and the graphics are not even better then ET.

So why should you change to that noobgame?

/suicide for epic justice pl0x
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