In need of players...

Hi crossfire

We're going to make squad for OC so obviously we need to fill up the ranks.
We need 1 eng smg and 1 rifle. Don't need 'i can handle rifle' smg players, only full time riffles.

Poland Zawisz
Poland Zolciak
Poland TworzyQ
Poland onlycry
Europe You ?
Europe You ?

Sweden Son1c
Poland reVolt
Poland Sraku

What we expect from u ?
  • Able to speak United Kingdom or Poland
  • No ex cheaters
  • No whiners and Mr i'm best player on the earth so they must cheat'
  • Don't be shy and racist we don't care about your nationality foreigner are welcome too
  • And last but not least med/- skilled and motivated to improve your skills

What u can expect from us ?
  • Nonames but motivated to play :)
  • Med/- skilled
  • Never cheated yeah i know hard to believe when u see 4 Polish guys at line-up but it is true
  • We've got our own BNCs and VT srv

If you can wait until 2017....
too much Poland
avi, pm ;D
QuotePoland onlycry

QuoteMed/- skilled

image: wootlol
Must've been nice playing without engineers this far.
Good one :F
Poland Zawisz
Poland Zolciak
Poland TworzyQ
Poland onlycry

QuoteNever cheated

image: wootlol

Poland Zawisz
Poland Zolciak
Poland TworzyQ
Poland onlycry

QuoteAble to speak United Kingdom

image: wootlol

Quote Able to speak United Kingdom

image: wootlol
good luck
i can handle rifle
QuoteHi crossfire

image: wootlol
1. very cool, decent webpage

2. one of the few polaks with normal english skills

3. good luck to you guys, sounds good

(4. take Ironic as eng/medic :) )
Don't be shy We're going to fill up the OBviouSlY

image: 4763158
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