Intended wolfmp buildin wallhack?

In the SP you have buildin wallhack together with the veil, MP should be disabled?

image quality sux because of the convert from tga, but you get the idea :)

image: 85573383

image: 88250973
image: 28228641
image: 88250973
image: 99493768
selfbust ,gg
Wolf sucks get over it.
selfbust ,gg
gg, selfbust
wahts wolf?
i know some people who played with transparent textures in the beta, and from what I've heard this is still possible.
Thats exactly what i get sometimes when in veil mode.

but it should be fixed -,-
I can make all textures transparant lol its a bug in the engine of the game.
shame that doesnt work in real life....with girls clothes..
only u could think of such a thing :D
i heard mw2 will be released soon.
i heard you can keep playing ET or cod4 until mw2 is released.
there is noone left who can fix it - only hannes, but dunno if it can be fixed so easy
veil suxx :<
its called built in
correcting ppl on the internet is really sad, i bet you are virgin.
i bet you arent since you are so butthurt right now you had to come and whine about it
no hes just a retarded jew
Fair enough WH for everyone :)
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