Team Personality recruiting

EuropeWe are!

Our current lineup is:

United Kingdomantalis

United KingdomBulld0g(backup\sponsor\moral support)

We've been playing 3on3 with this lineup for 6 months(consider ourselves mid\mid+ at 3on3) now and are looking to start playing 6on6 as well.

We need people who:

Speak United Kingdom\United States of AmericaEnglish
Are active players(5 days a week minimum, not having to beg you to play)
Play SMG classes(mostly meds, could use a good fops\eng)
Are middish skill(good comms, teamplay, aim, etc)
Don't take the game\comms too seriously(be able to take a joke\criticism about yourself)

Pm danL or Cypher in and stuff if you're interested.
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