Looking for a team dyLAN

I,m searching skilled wolf team

Must be in cb/oc & Attending iseries

et:QW I was ranked 1st in the uk 12th overall (i realise stats don,t stand for much)
Then got asked to play et:Qw for TCM

I then switched to Cod4 where i played for a team called f i f t h as they were attending multiplays iseries lans. i33 i34 i35 i37 Where considering the team we did have some good finishes 12th etc...

Now wolf is upon us and i,m looking for a team that wants sucess and will LAN.

My skill is high :) although still adjusting to the game :)

You can contact via pm here or my xfire: darkwabbit
gL. Sounds like a progamer.
gl dyLAN
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Whats the point?
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Registered: 10 February 2007
Member For: 2 years, 6 months and 20 days

dunno °_°
damn you failed hard
Wolfenstein at the I series?
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