ET Q&A with drago


I plan on writing an article covering all the questions you might have about competitive ET. Seen any tactic you don't understand? Nades, Landmines, Airstrikes, anything goes - if you have a question, fire away. I'll collect all the good questions and use them in my article.
why dont people do 6 man engi rushes anymore?
when i played some mixes with 187 we did
we also did it in official matches :-)
will there be a new team btw?
isnt more than a tag atm, no plans or activities afaik
lets call it "summerbreak"... ;>
Is is true that left handers have faster reflexes?
yep, as you can see it at me :)
Quote by hell'1)Why doesnt Twidi selfkill on grush defence first stage.
2) What do you do against mAus on grush first stage when he's camping the boxes at corner'
1) hes a nice guy
2) tricknade over the wall/roof


this was my original reply before you deleted your comment
somebody in here wants that mouse
What? I'm confused.
Got it :D
nice thread :)

Who the fuck did that to you?
he did it himself ofc
That is suspicious.
how the play wisely the grush defence 1st stage @ back :( Squall knows it but I dont :<

when you are supposed to be the guy @ supply 1st stage WHO DOESNT selfkill at downstairs, whats the best place to be at?!?
open door, walk through, stay there
why is mystic considered as the best player in et?
edit: why do people play sp_delivery_te?
but i heard you cheat...
Cheaters cant give their opinion!?!?
You were never previously a tier 1 player, did the others get worst - or you better? And if so, how?

How would you attack first stage Supply against a better team?
since helix (biqq, evil, drago, Ramin, Riddla, conan) he was imo. and thats some time ago. guess you just get better in time? (not me anymore) ^^ and i dont think you can say the others got worse. of course a lot of great players left the scene, but others did step up and took their places and a lot of them are better than the oldies. the whole scene raised the level of skill imo, because the game is getting older and most are playing it for several years now, leaving the low/+ scene to the new schoolers which have a harder time getting into the game then it was ages ago (if they have noone who explains the game to them), what btw could have lead to the big amount of new school cheaters these days.
You wont really use that mouse, will you?
What did I miss about the mouse? :P
english pro
Haha, oops :D
Whats the best place to hide&shoot for a field op (axis) on supply (first stage)?

The best place for a medic is in the right corner Bl4d3 told me but I don't know the best place for the fop.
stfu busted
up your arse
can a team only be successful in et, if you have one poweraimer in your team?
(such as mAus or RELOAd,...)
well there wasnt any superaimerdmgmachine in masculine_mans for a long time and they did well.
but i guess they finally reached the top level with squall
does a team need an allround to win a match? if yes, why?
How to give an orgasm to TosspoT on Frostbite?
that was epic :DD
How to aim? Is it something you will discover in 1 night or something you need to nerd for 5 years?
why noone uses flame anymore? on supply/delivery etc
Why do some pro gamers go missing and then return without an explanation to everybody who tried to help?
I miss an airstrike guide including several spawn airstrikes :(. Urtier made one some time ago but its gone now. Would be nice if someone could do one again. :O)
where can i find a full list of commands, which only a referee can use ?
Invalid Referee password.

Ty for the tip bro

/ref refpass to login

/ref after that to get all the refcommands in console
pls post a facepalm pic next time instead of just writing the term. thx.
How do I shot web?
was fühlst du wenn ich dich owne ?
^- How do i shoot like this guy
What went thru your mind when you shot that panzer vs EDiT/czar/ovr on frostbite
We need winghaven's airstrike guide
cant undertand shit! :x
can you find it in english or avi ?
artillery smoke appears after 5 seconds, the first hit lands after 10 seconds.
so if you want to use an artillery for spawnkilling, time it 7 or 8 seconds before their spawn.

airstrikes take 5 seconds to land the first hit.

thats all you need to know being a fieldops.
damn, im a fucking good fop :S
whats the BEST time to fire artillery when your axis and about to selfkill?

so the second artillery wave strikes when the allies r rushin in:)

is that like 7 or like 10 sec?
15 if your team doesn't push far
11-12 else
how important iz communications?
How is babby formed?
why can't belgians panzer?
why doesnt killerboy search a life?
what happend to you back in 2007 when you got lost ?
+1 what da fuck happend??
if i recall right, he was 2 days at internet cafe
why is everyone med+ nowadays?

where is the real high skill?

why dont we use new maps in et competitions?

why are all pubs getting empty( best example u|k public and telenet) ?

what are you thinking about doing a complete maplist change?

when does the community face it that you can't get rid of ET?
where is the real high skill? nowadays example med skilled team who is praccing all the time they wont develop because they are playing against low+/med and if they are playing against med+ and get owned in first map = /quit

that was just an example
Such a bloody shame, I could have become EC winner too if this scene wasn't so messed up...
most of the people aren't med+, even if they define themselfs so.

all the newschoolers have maybe some proper aim, still their knowledge + experience about the game is just shit, so they aren't med+, even if they outaim some good players sometimes.

highskill + good experience, gamesense + very good aim imo :< or

very good gamesense + good aim :o)
so i am highskilled th3h3h3h3h3h3h3.

but you?
nah, my skill is " c only unhit owner " i have no skill level :(

still enough for owning med+.
is chosen a schalke 04 fan?
is newest cracked etbot detected by punkbuster ?
who on mamut is responsible of discovering new things that everyone does nowadays
for example doing cp on gr in first defense or now getting covert and destroying cp in first attack
is it frustrating that others dont really do anything innovative but just copy fast if u start doing something

2nd do u feel like some teams do really well without playing smart just ramboing fraghunting and overaiming everyone
to me it seems like a solid tactic in et
Why do people still play ET ?
because no developer has interest in such a small community thus no game matching our conceptions is being done.
because it's cool!
Can you tell me why someone would use fieldop in the first stage attack in goldrush?
excuse-nigger ofcourse. It would be racist not to have any blacks in your team.
excuse-nigger ofcourse. You always need a black man to run on the landmines before the whites.
excuse-nigger ofcourse. They are experts when it comes to stealing stuff.
i like this question!
cuz it kills
hf drago
How can I kill with a smokecan?
what's the cvar to change the airstrike smoke direction?
maybe at least anyone knows it :(
fuck, have to ssearch my turnscript now : (
you only have 180 turnscript!
i can tweak it = P
isnt this completely random ?
the direction is random and the same for everyone onthe server.
but some people have it turned in the opposite direction :[]
the opposite of random, oh god i came
i meant when you throw strike the direction of the smoke is chosen randomly but being the same for everyone on the server.
but for some people the direction of that smoke is not the same as everyone else has and afaik it's config related >_>
how to do that goddamn side jump on radar!!!
nice one drago
raziel, is it you!?
I got a Dragoran, Level 65, may I go to the Pokemon Liga yet ?
as i've heard that younger age equals faster reflexes then have you noticed that age has affected your reflexes in any direction
I am worried my son might be gay. I want to get him checked. Isn't it possible to get a hormone check? A vocal cord check? Can't a doctor indicate if he is gay or not? MY son has almost no muscles and narrow shoulders. He also has blue eyes. He talks in a very high voice and while he sings he sounds like a castrato. He tells me his voice is called tenor.

How can i test if my son is gay?
will never top your playing style ofc. heard its the only right one.
How do u guys usually distract the axis in delivery to let an engi sneak trought it downways in the first stage ? Or is it only possible if axis have a very low amount of people allive ?
was i the only one who woke up when urtier and night were rushing in the hotel room @ cc5? or did you and senji also catch their fight about the pillow which i took from nights couch?
1) why are Poland allowed to play ET?

2)why a sniper headshot hurts the enemy much more than the same weapon without sniper?
Quote2)why a sniper headshot hurts the enemy much more than the same weapon without sniper?

si quieres te hago un croquis
why do people ask these ridiculous questions?
why do so many people in this topic fail to be even close to funny?
I think an evolution of tactics over the years (or EC seasons) would be interesting. Not all maps have to be done everytime, only the ones which have significantly changed the style of play (ex: the enge at main on radar planting the mines @ bunker door).
How to aim correctly when u get shot?
I mean sometimes guys take 2 HS and they give 3 back to u, seem they do not have recoil.
Should I aim the chest ?
can you keep playing with the same tactics ?
because other clans might know where to put arty's etc..
Good quest :)

Some standard Q but i guess many wonder how you guys came that far, i mean, you won't get 'pro' from one day to another.
Maybe it's good to know how you managed to get that good.

Does it come only by playing much and often in some random ETPro Servers / Scrims?
Or you used a special way to improve your skill?

Easy examples: Playing whole week with luger against SMG.., or tryin to get much headshots in a game.. etc

Or nothing which has sth to do with Aiming in general.
I would like to know for example howto improve the movement.. as you aren't rushing only for example.

In the Fragmovies you can also clearly see that you are moving 'with brain' - it seems for me that good Aiming comes by a good movement aswell.

Well at the end i might say that it is nice of you that you do that for the community, it's cool that players share their experiance with other players. :)

But ye, there are people overthere which just like to troll around, like always.
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