looking for high clan

Seek high clan; mature and active.

Age: 19
Time playing: almost 5 years.
Languange: english
Classes: smg/rifle

Send a PM here or Q death @ irc for details.
who r u? registered on xfire today and high skill... ok
Member For: 0 days
(18:36:19) (( /whois start ))
(18:36:19) —› death is "who cares" ([email protected])
(18:36:20) —› death opped in #criatura.et
(18:36:20) —› death voiced in #crossfire
(18:36:20) —› death reg in #1on1.et #2on2.et #3on3.et #4on4.et #5on5.et #6on6.et #clanbase.et #et-cup #et.merc #gamestv.org #idle.ee #international-night-mixes
(18:36:20) —› death using *.quakenet.org (QuakeNet IRC Server)

any former clans or clan experience?
hi sherlock
patience imo
Tetris online!
minesweeper fo sh0!
du hast scheisse in deiner strassenbahn
checked his ip from irc and then guids and this is him http://www.yawn.be/findPlayer.yawn?nick=&pbGuid=84eb9599&etproGuid=&gamecode=ET
spanish ip :P

Who's he? He doesn't have a single tag and not even a proper Yawn warning. :<
he is playing on kills and stats not obj. played with him once :s
rofl u played with me? ahaha when?
What are your ex-clans?
faker !!
I don't like u , mr iamtooimportanttotellwhoiamandwhatmyex-clansare
I've just changed my nick because the old one didnt like me at all, and i decided to recover my old one from the start of et, and i though after being kinda innactive with the career the come back would be the best momment to do it.
Btw i was betting with a friend about how many flame replies would i get with a new nick and 0 days registered, and obviously i won because i already knew how retarded and immature are the most of the players in xfire x).
For general info, my last walkthrough in et were 2 week clans like 1 p2 (yes perfo, but not with u xD) lineup with hessu(murso), bisi, brap(ovs), dusty, or zt: a short project with logic, maverick, etc that fucked up by innactivity. After that i got on gunz, with squizz, abort, etc and got connection fucked up and started studying harder for the career, a period that i got some offers from clans like sublime and couldnt join as some ppl know. SO, im vArg (or i was) and ur flame is allways wellcome in my posts.
lol mate, have u finished the carreer? pm @ irc!

GL <3
Well, it's quite obvious that you will receive a lot of flame, if you look for a high clan with a new nickname and without telling your clanhistory. So it's not really suprising that you won the bet.

Wow vArg, now we know it's you everything became clear rightaway!
i love varg emkay
varg vikernes? :|
Cool, waiting for his haters to find him tbh. xD
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