StrykY looking for wolf team v3

Hey y'all ,

Im StrykY 19 years old and living in holland, im currently searching for a wolfenstein team. I have been playing fps for a year or 5/6 i guess.
I have experience in skilled teams in Battelfield 1942 , Battlefield 2 , and been playing ETQW in the beginning of the game.

So what i look for in a team :

- Dutch/english speaking
- chilled / relax / serious (when needed)
- active
- med or higher skilled
- attending CB OC
- no 2 week team.

What i can bring in the team:

- dutch and english speaking
- chilled always up for a laught and can be serious if i have to be.
- active (3/4 nigths a week)
- medskill
- able to attend any cup or lan
- experience
- can play the wolfenstien 5v5 cup on wensday and can play in the CB OC

As most teams have a compleet line-up and there are still players searching for teams, im up for making a team aswel.

So if youre looking for a decent player you can contact me in :
good luck (:

nobody is searching for this i think :<
ye its hard, the teams out there are already compleet so if any1 is looking to make a team im up for that aswel
gl stryky nice guy take him!
thnx m8 , appreciate it !
stryky patyky
Stryky is awesome! highly recommended to take this guy!
thnx m8 , hows fractal going?
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