Air1ocK Im So Special I Have A One In My Name

Have been playing fps games since 1998 started playing for teams in 2004 and atteneded lans from 2008 i consider myself to be above the average wolven players when it comes to skill so if you are intrested add my xfire: adamdavidparkes0138482668


- 5th: Quake Wars League

- 5th: Clanbase Beta Cup Enemy Territory Quake Wars

- 5th: Etqw.euro League

- 3rd: Clanbase Infantry Cup Hosted by TLR

- 6th: Clanbase Infantry Cup Hosted by cZar

- 5th: Clanbase Infantry Cup Hosted by te4m

- QWL.invite Voted TOP10 Infantry Player

- Multiplay i-34 Call Of Duty 4 12-13th


Past Teams

- Beyond/hMg:


- Infused Gaming:


- Team Coolermaster

Hmm... first I need to know one thing.

Is your name Adam David Parkes?
gl dude...missing the beasty tanker you guys had at iG from that lineup, sn4p ftw..
whats the main point ?
wow, awesome achievements there
shame you were shit at QW.
can i be your fanboy now?
Good luck mate !!
If you find a decent home let me know :)
you xfire name is most sertantly above avarage
GL dude!
Wernt you trialing for me? ;o
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