r_ Help - FPS

Hey , I got alot of fps drops , and in the last time i got 40 - 20 fps in any place .. when i always had reached the 61 max ..
Its started alone - i dunno why maybe it something with monitor ? or the command r_mode ?
Monitor is : 60 Hz
Geforce 5700
my r_ commands

r_displayrefresh 60
com_maxfps 61
cl_maxpackets 100
r_mode "6" unsafe
r_displayRefresh "60" unsafe

if someone know anything , plz try to help :)
Nothing to do with them commands and I dont think your monitor/graphics card can support r_mode 6 anyway thats why it says unsafe? someone correct me if im wrong.
So what number to put :O ?
even if im at the main of the game , even the mouse moving at wraps
make r_mode 4 or 6
Tiocfaidh ár lá!

Erin go bragh!
+10 :D

(had to look up on wikipedia XD)
ha i thought so!
What type of monitor do you have (LCD, CRT or Widescreen) and what size is it (in inches).
LCD i think 19inchs i think .
its just started , never happend to me
just 40 fps stable ..
I was horrified then.

I thought you had a CRT.
u got better graph than mine.

( this in autoexec_spectator )
pb_sleep 500
pb_power 0
(this in autoexec etc)

seta r_mapOverBrightBits "3"
seta r_mapobjectbright "4"
seta r_mapoverhtBits "3"
seta r_overBrightBits "0"
seta r_intensity "1.5"
seta r_ignorehwgamma "0"
seta r_MapoverBrightBits "3"
seta r_simpleMipMaps "0"
seta r_lodbias -99999
r_picmip "3"
seta r_mode 4
r_allowSoftwareGL 0
r_lodscale 0
r_flareFade 0
r_drawfoliage 0
r_wolffog 0
r_ignoreGLErrors 1
r_flares 0
r_subdivisions "20"
r_detailtextures 0
r_ext_compressed_textures 0
r_stencilbits 0
r_colorbits 0
r_texturebits 0
seta r_mapobjectbright "4"
seta r_mapoverhtBits "3"

? :o
your gcard sux arse
r_buynewgfx 1
i could suggest a, xfx gtx 285 xxx
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