30 fps????ß

i just bought wolfenstein and tried to get a config the only problem is that i can try any fukcing config but i can only get max. 30 fps stable which is not very cool.

i have a GTX 260 so i guess my graka wont be the problem.

any1 knows a solution?
com_unlockFPS 1
already on
and so is: com_unlockmaxfps 120 etc
In nvidia control panel:
-Threaded optimization: ON
sorry can't help you, maybe because you are GAY!
ur cpu?

maybe its to bad
can get 125 stable in cod4...
and wolfenstein doesnt look that good. so maybe yes it could be the cpu but only 30 fps even on a resolutoin like 600x480?
cant help sry!
buying Wolfenstein isn't really cool man
com_unlock_timingmethod "1" or "2"

cant remember which
already tryied
i have the same problem, GTX 260, Core 2 Duo E8500 and 30 fps in wolfenstein.
any ideas?

btw i dont have the option Threaded optimization in my control panel... u have?
Yes, i have lol, update driver?
does it help?
Have fun with your new shit game :).
125 fps
game is designed to lagg its normal...
Errrrrrrrrrrrr... Ginger afro.
why u see the flash and why he closes his eyes?
com_unlock_maxFPS 125
com_unlock_timingMethod 0
com_unlock_safetyMargin 0.1
com_unlock_avgFrames 4
com_unlockFPS 1
copy it to autoexec.cfg and past this file in GameFolder/MP/base or wolfpro

must work ffs
haha i has shit pc but more fps than you :D
man, the game is shit dude. So is your computer not able to run the game :DDD
if u dont like the game, then what are you doing in this forum?

enable filter and gtfo
I do like the game. Lol, Im playing it almost everyday.
same problem .. 30 max .. even on lowest reso
1. Create a file called autoexec.cfg in \\My Documents\id software\WolfMP\base

2. Put these command in it :-

seta com_allowconsole 1
seta com_unlockFPS 1
seta com_unlock_timingMethod 0
seta com_unlock_safetyMargin 0.1
seta com_unlock_avgFrames 4

3. Start game, and select account to use

4. Bring down console with CTRL + ALT + ` (or just ` if you've already done com_allowconsole 1)

5. enter exec autoexec.cfg (because Wolfenstein doesn't execute it automatically)

6. Close console, find game, enjoy

For nVidia users :-

nVidia Control Panel -> 3D Settings -> Manage 3D Settings -> Threaded Opimization: On

in autoexec.cfg add :- seta r_useThreadedRenderer "0"

For ATi users :-

in autoexec.cfg add :- seta r_useThreadedRenderer "2"

If you still get shit FPS, upgrade PC :)
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