linux cheaters busted

Here we see 2 no brains with Linux Hacks , spoofed the etpro OS by making it looks like win32 , but PB caught them , and showed their real OS - Linux . Check Videos for their wallhack and aimbot.

image: 19wbqv

Screen Special for gAp to so no more whining about bug.

image: smdmja

BB gap and hi .

Admins take care so they get banned :)

NEW VIDEO Looking on GAP and HI

For lazy ppl watch online,17947.html

Everytime 3 hs MUST be skill , and nade exactly in your face must be great luck!
If the guys are saying that they don't cheat AFTER all the proofs , please upload demos , but I guess you will come with this " OOH we DIDN'T record demos :O "
Yes I am right once again
1) cheaters busting cheaters
2) rcon kankertu
3) cool proof bro
Yes it is proof "bro" as you see , but maybe you are not that smart aren't you? With the rcon and pb_sv_plist you can see details info on the players ....... IPs , PB GUIDS , OS , and as you see those punks are using Linux and spoofing it with HAX so it s says win32 when you check in /cheaters , Lame but true! Can't spoof PB I'm afraid XDDDDDDDDD and want to uploa demo playing vs them? They bot got obvious WH and AIMBOT just by the demo roflmao

OH AND BTW , saying cheaters busting cheaters , SAD but I don't see MYSELF anywhere here arround OWNED like these 2 noobs :)
that could probably be bugged iirc, upload demos and server logs instead.
OK , server logs comming too NP HAHA .
Can you do a back flip like Nani Killerboy ?
Of course, and i can do the moon walk while backflipping.
I don't get it

plus, thx for the rcon password
Plus rcon is changed noob xD enjoy bust
how stupid do you have to be to post a screenshot with rcon pw on it :s
I don't care about the rcon , it is changed , and how stupid you must be to play with hax and get owned like this? I knew it since you guys got kicked for pb guid auth unknwn and win32 in /cheaters, so I tricked you to come in my server so I can check you both with rcon and pb , and as you see I was right . Take that.
who the fuck are you talking to? O_o
ahahha sta te napo ;:D
danL obvious cheater ! always knew it !
this guy must be on some serious drugs
/rconpassword kankertu
then you dont have to type it every time
HAHA YOU DONT GET IT???? Spoofing ETPRO OS MAYBE?? These idiots are using and spoofing the OS so it says win32 in /cheaters . And as you see in pb_sv_plist it is LINUX , 100% hax :) proofed
even bani said that /cheaters is bugged and not working as it should...
Yes if you spoof win32 OS with linux hax it doesn't for sure XDDDDDDDD + plus they got kicked for PB GUID AUTH UNKN = famous linux kick for every users and + I have demos playing vs them which shows their 100% WH and aimbot :). It will be bug in etpro OS sytem if it shows [???] or [UNKNOWN] , yes but Linux/Win32 isnt bug xDDDDDD
you know too much about linux hacks, really.
I know , because I'm smart yes , and even if I do what? I am not the one with the cheats here.
QuoteHAHA YOU DONT GET IT???? Spoofing ETPRO OS MAYBE?? These idiots are using and spoofing the OS so it says win32 in /cheaters . And as you see in pb_sv_plist it is LINUX , 100% hax :) proofed
French froggy is being a retard! WAY TO GO!
Then you are idiot too , Take a look on the OS in pb_sv_plist and the OS in /cheaters.
Sure bug , there is no bug like this , ASK punkbuster staff if you are smart , it clearly says (L) and there is no way to bug that , and on /cheaters it is win32 , just spoofed with theyr NOOB HAX , but not enough. Server Admins can check it with /rcon pb_sv_plist if the OS in /cheaters doesn't match with the OS in pb_sv_plist = hax 100% :)
Quotejust spoofed with theyr NOOB HAX...

and u has t3h leet hax? ...
Hahaha your such a retard.
Suce ma bite.
must be french to post such things

oh wait..
Me ? Maybe you should look the screenshot really , before you post bullshits.
you are a bullshit.
No , you are and you know it , Read something and get your head with some "info" before saying 1 more funny thing.
youre french, enough said. freeking frog
bug probably :-)
There are no bugs like this , they are just using hax on linux and spoofing win32 OS . No bug , just no brain. It will be etpro bug if it says [???] or [UNKNOWN] but win32 in /cheaters and (L) in pb_sv_plist is no bug xDDDDDDD Read , before you post another idiotic post.
seriously, chill.


Lol then you are really stupid if you don't get it , so stop posting stupid comments. And read what I said all over the post.
Hmm , I it isn't about linux hax , it is about client's operation system
you sir, are a tard.
you're random
you're idiot
killberoy is he busted yet?

he's BulgariahAte aka Bulgariasnoox, now he's even using a french proxy on gtv and stuff to fake he's from france
Show the proofs killerboy. I hope that they are as good as mine for this .Et c'est pas vrai et je voudrais voir vos éléments de preuve à ce sujet killerboy .... Je ne suis pas francaise mais je suis ne en france , vous pouvez contredire ca?
wow, u speak french, thats a strong proof!
i bet it`s translated by an online-translator :D
it is, its obviously not a french speaking here but a translator.
well i had french 2 years in school years ago, kinda can`t remember anything, but even i was able to understand what he said :D so must be fake xD
Doesn't matter if it is or not , I've got all the proofs I need that I'm not hAte/snoox , but you are not the guy that I'm going to show them up on , and this is not the place to do it .
Et non pas de tout , je ne suis pas stupide et pathétique, comme toi , et je sais donc plus de 1 langue , et toi , tu est un pathétique imbécile qui n'as pas de cerveau xD
Sure a bug!!!!!! XDDDDDD GO go everybody start using Linux cheats and say its a bug when the proofe is 100% haha get brain pls!
need demo here for bring the light!
nobody like u but thats ok i like u anyway :D:D ^^
Bust video incoming ! Just stop spam with bullshits.
Just stop spam with bullshits.
youre a fucking frog, gtfo. no credibility @ all
stay shut with ur kiddie insults. Or u are mentally retarded or something?
stay shut with ur kiddie insults. Or u are mentally retarded or something?
copy/paste is all u can do? another retard funneh :)
copy/paste is all u can do? another retard funneh :)
he`s surely not
:DDD, hes a retard
yup, the /cheaters command is bugged, even bani said that.
Exactly there is no bug , you can verifie that with every Admin from Punkbuster or every admin that knows ET enough well to know when something is a bug and when something is HAX.

and et is now clean
First of all, if pb shows linux as os that isn't a cheat.

It could be a hacker because the hacks on linux can't get detected.

Anyways, this isn't a bust, first make the demo, then post your retarded bust and we can see in the demo if he's hacking yes or no.

You should be the fucking noob who get banned because of you posted the most retarded bust ever... wait i forgot the cancernerd with his own wh on his screenshot.

But please, die of aids.


Next time only typ /pb_plist on console :)

Rcon isn't neccecary noob. (my english vocabulary isn't great but i dont give a fuck)
As I must say for 10000th time , read before you make another funny and stupid post xDD.

Yes rcon is needed when you want to check the OS of the client "noob" because you can spoof your OS on PB as you just do with etpro anti cheat system.
As we must say for the 1000th time, You're a complete retard xDD.
Maybe you can't give any evidence of what your saying to back up your words? You are just saying that I'm retard just like so . I say that these guys are retards but I have 100% proofe to say it so please stop being smart , cause your not in case you didn't notice.
Why should i back up my words? Its quite easy to see for everyone that you are a plain retard. As simple as that.
Like Domi said, like we need any evidence that you are a retard
Yes rcon is needed "noob" because you can spoof your OS on PB as you just do with etpro anti cheat system.
says a cheater
well last etpro version is from 2006 so think they can spoof it, but it can also be a bug.

lets say, .avi or it didn't happen!
ever heared of wolfcam?

atleast give us the demo
this is fail
4 sure. Another guy that doesn't understand anything , but he is posting bullshits.
awesome :o!
on what server was this?
linux = cheat
whats the problem. i am serious
who said I'm not?
The one-hour limit has been reached. Wait 18:38 minutes.

Awesome host you picked.
What do you mean?
This is all? You want to bust them with this? ROFL
No , the video that is proof ( not to mention the screenshots but W/E ) is coming . Check for link to be updated.
Hope that is going to show more because what I've seen from your PoV is quite normal.
That you're a retard. xDD
what the fuck is this shit?
u got owned, deal with it
The video from gap and hi view is on . check it and say again they are not haxers.

P.S I send the demo to killerboy np. Keep spamming.
Quotewith 100% obvious that they have wallhack
If they had WH they would play otherwise, only thing i can see is that you get some 3hs in you face. A bit weird aim but thats all.
Sure xD Shooting on the walls isnt WH? Knowing all isnt wh? Throwing grenade @ face after following behind the wall isnt wh? xDD Both doing 3 hs everytime isnt aimbot. Anyways I won't argue with stupid people the demo isn't the major proof. The screenshots are , and if you are "limited" in knowing that , its not my prob. Killerboy agreed that they are cheaters after sending him the demo , so it doesn't matter what you say.
gab has obvious aimbot
hi shot that wall and his aim was weird too
Ofc he does , they both got linux hacks. You can simply verify that from the screenshots lolz.... For everybody wondering for more PM me for the full demo to watch those noobs.
nice sharring your rcon-password
roflmao another 1 xDDD , I don't care and the rcon is already changed after the screenshots are publicated , the funny thing is not the rcon , but the info you see on the shots :)
I actually dont see anything funny on the shots? :S
You haven't told him he's a retard sir, cos you did it with all the others, retard.
And I do . 2 cheaters using linux hax , spoofed succesfully the etpro OS by making it looks like win32 (with hax ) , but PB can't be spoofed , busting them for their real OS - linux (L). I bet they didn't think about that , that's why I tricked them to come in my server.
wait what? and plz now say that etpro guids are best and even all mighty god uses them
It's not etpro guids , it's etpro anti-cheat system , but OFC I didn't except you or any of the other posters to understand that since all the comments are with low IQ. The etpro anti-cheat system is fooled by those linux hacks , but you can't spoof your OS on PB , because this is a serverside thing and can't be hacked like that, remember this is only fooling etpro's anticheat system but not the real info you send to the server. (PB Sever and ET Server)

Seems "all mighty god" use Linux hacks , and all of you "all mighty idiots" are too stupid to understand it. xD

Anyway you can stop the stupid spam , the stupid nerds are getting banned because of their brains.
sorry but u didnt understand what i said AND everything is spoof-able,
No , you aren't right . It is not possible to spoof OS in PB logs , neither server logs. The OS win32 is spoofed only visible , but the logs that the server accepts aren't spoofed and they show the real OS. Since the moment that client is connecting to the server , the server checks his OS , and these "smart" guys only fooled etpro anti-cheat system with their hax (visible only ), but they did not fool the server , and the punkbuster.
but the logs that the server accepts aren't spoofed ------ how do u know that? btw editing your posts is real smart because u make so many mistakes and it is impossible to reply
I know because I am a server administrator and I've already checked all. But if I post the logs people will say that I faked them , thats why I posted screenshots .
Idiot as u said user sends logs, how can u be sure that user hasnt manipulated the logs or the os is unknown to etpro anticheat(like new os version or beta release)?
"Idiot" I know about these bugs , and If that is a bug it will be like this :

1st checking with /cheaters will say [UNKNOWN] or [???]
2nd checking with rcon and pb_sv_plist will do the same won't do (L) for sure if it is actually Windows
3d There is no fucking way that this can happen without spoofing the OS
4th You are really stupid with your posts , because you have no idea what you're talking about

5tH ROFL how can user manipulate THE SERVER LOGS? Are you really stupid or what
No hack can do that , especially manipulating Punkbuster to shows Linux OS if it is actually Windows LOL!
And that is true , when he is connecting , wanna show you 1 of these??

The real info about the client's OS can't be faked .

btw learn to read : but the logs that the server accepts aren't spoofed and they show the real OS
k do u know what log is? IF user sends logs to server then he does not have to manipulate THE SERVER LOGS because its fucked up already on users FFS DONT EDIT: i said how can u be sure the loggs that server accepts arent manipulated
lol I don't really think that you understand what I'm talking? Where did I say anything about sending? I said the server makes logs on the players and that starts at the moment when they connect.

And yes , I care to admit that I'm aware of those things MUCH more then you are.

For last TIME REALLY , the real information about the clients operation system CAN'T BE FAKED or MANIPULATED.

Get brain .
u said it on 2nd replay to me but then u edited it and rewrote it

AND i asked how do u know they cant be fucked? do u work at EB and know exactly what they use?
that is only way u can say that or ur just kid who thinks he knows
Haha ,

1s I know it , because I've learned how PB works
2nd I asked one of the Punkbuster Staff , and he confirmed
3rd I am aware of those things , not only PB , but anti-cheat systems , firewalls , and other kinds of protection
4th I am working with PB , and silently sending them the latests cheats , helping them to make them detectable

5th GTFO you are pathetic XDDDD
about that avi, everything there is possible without cheats and explainable
Even if that is true (it's not ) , the fact that they spoofed their OS stands for. And you can't spoof OS from Linux to Windows without a hack , so stop , they are cheaters end of discussion.
k mr bs
1 u have not provided any proof that doing that is impossible + no proof of your claimed ask,
2 u flame everyone without explanation
3 its impossible to say anything because u edit your posts
4 hf
1 proof, 2 proof, 4proof here and now or avi or it never happend
what is with normal linux user ?
i see many times that i got kicked from a server cuz i use linux -.-
i dont have windows installed and i dont even have an windows CD ^^
thats really sad...
Yes , because if you play pub with linux people kicks you because they think you cheat , while the real cheaters are getting away with it. :<

image: old_PC_use_500x375

No seriously if you do /cheaters or /guids and u see they have Win32 and u do pb_sv_plist and u see they use linux, it's a proof of cheating, but the fact is : UNKNOWN GUY BUST

gap and hi ?

that gap guy:

Nice guid spoof though, can't have that many ip's from differents country. and there is no IP match for the hi guy, otherwise i find almost the same ip for the pbguid, search by yourself for that...
Checking his IP gives alot of interesting things lol. His IP from the pictures up matches with ALOT of pbbans. Same country , same internet provider , same location , just dynamic IP.

[PBBans:63534 03.25.2008] c067af17772d43229b9f0424eb13fead "barak" "" "MULTIHACK #70534"

[PBBans:53279 01.12.2008] be43bce0e6c9211098480edb0a077c5b "wisam" "" "MULTIHACK #71001"

[PBBans:45675 11.16.2007] 01340fb0fcfb54348a4f28c308923884 "Rabona" "" "MULTIHACK #70476"

[PBBans:67443 04.23.2008] 9c8040381d94dfbff8e8edb277e923d6 "etplayah" "" "MULTIHACK #71001"

[PBBans:63534 03.25.2008] c067af17772d43229b9f0424eb13fead "barak" "" "MULTIHACK #70534"

[PBBans:50143 12.25.2007] 30e87fe5c37302a69729b3c01cdca4f9 "aRIST" "" "MULTIHACK #70476"

[PBBans:45887 11.18.2007] 8ca6f1d8dc613da8a9e7d45eb1733b98 "JoBnik" "" "MULTIHACK #70476"

[PBBans:41724 10.14.2007] 9a48d947a866bb2178f425e8d9abd131 "Mor" "" "MD5TOOL #9002 - (SS.log (len=0))"

[PBBans:41723 10.14.2007] 2fecd20aa3867a7b549698683bacc1bf "Mor" "" "MD5TOOL #9002 - (SS.log (len=0))"

[PBBans:41722 10.14.2007] 55fe28fe37db0ff56edef243505ddfca "Mor" "" "MD5TOOL #9002 - (SS.log (len=0))"

[PBBans:41717 10.14.2007] f5f34b749b4859eb77a95898cf0cc3dd "Mor" "" "MD5TOOL #9002 - (SS.log (len=0))"

[PBBans:114457 02.28.2009] a47793718de7a978b9dc302a67653318 "A|bozik" "" "PB HACK 130311"

[PBBans:108069 01.22.2009] a4c7e4798fcde933dd5b0eaf918f79d1 "suede" "" "MULTIHACK 79012"

[PBBans:101485 12.05.2008] e4d17dc57ba5cf38e245ef047fa9b854 "SLaYeR&lt;3" "" "MD5TOOL 9002"

[PBBans:93104 10.04.2008] d628edb9eede3463d8846d6879564b53 "BlackMetal*" "" "PB HACK 130035"

[PBBans:92503 09.30.2008] 831160ab8a4578b9734227b0a455c832 "Perfect-X" "" "AIMBOT 50051"

[PBBans:88005 08.28.2008] 1d29c0872401cac483e5ae7477258bca "Hamster" "" "CVAR 9001"

[PBBans:85614 08.13.2008] 2464fb22b175e7e7621d03ce2391725d "MAX!!!.." "" "MULTIHACK #71006"

[PBBans:80327 07.13.2008] 2430cba18e6b834416bddf25e57f3104 "juNko" "" "MD5TOOL #9002 - (nex_settings.src(null) (len=32))"

[PBBans:79400 07.10.2008] 090a930ba8f514a1356f2392830e6e5d "asdasdasd" "" "MULTIHACK #71006"

P.S I'm lazy to search more.
nam nam i want one of these. Can u give me? :P
IP matches from the guy HI too , they are both from izrael , and they both have ALOT of pbbans on a same internet privoder , just dynamic IPs.
Hi aswell? link?
Download et_pbbans.dat and search them for IP match , its much more faster then doing it from the website of pbbans. They have like 20 bans both . Record lol? Some of them are matching with linux cheats detections.
wow thats even more then me ;o how much i have gary? 15 or 16? :D
think so, this guy beat you wtf :*(
well w/e dont care about this since i play clean :)
Why you guys are you so agressive ?
I think that he is true : that's not normal to have /cheater showing win32 and /pb_plist showing linux ...
I'm on linux for one year and I never got a /cheater bug : twice in the same time, kinda strange.
lOl , of course dude , normal player can't get that :P And about the agressive part what can I say eeehm , only retarted posts here insulting because there is no brain behind the keyboard ;d
Thx for rcon password xD
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