Tech3 Demo API - Questions

Hi there,

I am currently finalizing the "public" part of my tech3 Demo API. I am not too sure what to put in the engine and what to put in the public code. For now only the read / write and close source stuff is in the engine (the engine will not be public!), all the rest is up to the programmar. So i have compiled a little example and id like to know if this is understanable for the casual programmar / scripter.

any input is appreciated
looks good, will like to use it to make some more tools to practice my programming.
Looks fairly simple and clear and good programming practices. That's why I love PHP it's basically exactly the same <3
you gotta be kidding me! :<

PHP is no way near to C#. C# is hawt and clear, PHP is bleh :>

but thanks for the input
Ha yes it is man, look at the syntax, exactly the same! same practices and same markup.

Considering PHP was derived from the C languages, I think it is exactly the same. I created a whole engine in C++ :).
i dont see the php refrence tbh. Id understand if you say its similar to JAVA, which it idd is, but PHP. Not really :<

Also PHP has no properties, no events etc.
urgs, thats like having sex with an ugly woman.

Did not know about it, but im not too sad that i missed it -.-
object-oriented php has a little in common with c++, but not that much imo : ]
That's not much.. Object-orientation in php is a crippled kid next to c++
true that
Awsome C# code, simple & clear written. Thanks for that code! Love it
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