LF Wolf clan

Hey all ,

Ive played all kinda fps games , 3/4y ET , 1y cod4 and some for smaller times , BF2 , BF2142 , cod2 , etqw .

Been playing fps for like 6/7 years .

Im looking for a nice group of ppl (no whiners) , i can play allot but no hardcore everyday , atleast not atm .

Skill , dunno , maybe some seen me play Cless.hyper. , hard to say skill game is new .

Im 26y old .
Enough xp in clan .
I can talk dutch/english
Relaxed/no whine .

If you want more info you can pm me here or pm me @ #wolfenstein as Cless|hyper

Grtz hyper
wolf is 2 dead to have clans
i saw u on pub and i was doin n1 headshots to you.
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