Calling all pro moviemakers..

Since I can't get myself motivated to work on my movie anymore, I need a moviemaker for Most hated 3. I don't have any great songs like I've had in other movies to motivate me and keep me going :(

So yeah I need a pro moviemaker, somebody who has made a good movie before. What I offer is some ideas, help on quality/colours if you need and easily better and faster frags than most hated 1 and 2.

What I want is a fast paced movie to match the frags I have, that keeps the viewer watching all the time, with some nice ideas and editing.

I will probably not find anybody anyway with the current state of the community but it's worth a try, might get lucky with somebody ;)

Contact me in #most-hated or on

Thanks for reading <3

image: kamz4ro3
gl =]

get lost nigger
i am avi!
me! after z3R0, feel the frags and then boNg
get lost benny lava
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