
got these cmds in my config :

r_intensity 3
r_overbrightbits 3
pb_security 0
pb_system 0

but everytime i exec my config the values stay at:

r_intensity 1.5
r_overbrightbits 1
pb_security 1
pb_system 1

its really annoying typing them in manually then having to /reconnect and vid_restart again -,-

what im doin wroong??
Reinstall windows
seta r_intensity "3"
seta r_overbrightbits "3"
pb_security "0"
pb_system "0"
yeah thats what ive got :p;p forgot to add em in the forum topic ;p
Hmm, try renaming your config file to autoexec.cfg.
Then, remove the etconfig.cfg files located here:
C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etmain\profiles
C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etpro\profiles\YOURNAME

For pb settings, just open ET, type those commands then type pb_writecfg
When you're done, go into : C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\pb
Open pbcl.cfg and add pb_Security 0
pb_system should be in pbsys.cfg, change it's value to 0 and save the file.
lol thanks a lot :)
had same problem, reinstalling windows helps
"C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\ET.exe" +pb_sleep 500 +pb_system 0 +pb_security 0"
i dont get it =$
Right click the .exe or shortcut and replace it with what he said. IN TARGET BOX.
WOLFENSTIN!! .... failed
WOLFENSTIN is that a new game?
PB_SYSTEM has to be set before joining a server.
PB_SECURITY is off by default, you have to put it manually when you connect (i got it on selfkill bind)
R_INTENSITY cant be over 1.5
R_OVERBRIGHTBITS cant be over 1
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