method how to disable game restart after map

Hello guys!

After few days I found command which is responsible for game restart and disconnect from server during map changing.

Just change m_rawInput to 0 thats all.

Sorry for my english

Greets, ght :)
PB is so august 2009 mate
I will try
and what does that command actually do :o
It enables or disables Windows Raw Input API for input devices :-

Default is enabled in Wolfenstein.

I've tried both and it doesn't make any difference for me, my game doesn't crash with 1 or 0 for this cvar, and it doesn't make any difference to mouse performance either as far as I can tell.
same here, doesn't do anything when i change the var
g_useCompiledScript "0"
worked for me.
actually its arachon's solution. mouse input has nothing to do with it
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