mountainZ looking for..

Hi Crossfire,

Team mountainZ is looking for 4 Players and some Backups to make lineup:


Israel drj3w
Germany zzkr
Europe You?
Europe You?
Europe You?
Europe You?


  • Med
  • Serv and vent online
  • Pracc 4 times a week
  • sexyy
  • going to play 3rd/4tg div OC


  • At least Med or better
  • Talkactive
  • Active 4 or 5 times a week
  • nice guy

Tonight 19:00 CET tryouts #mountainZ

i like the mountains...
i like the..
move it move it
would be cool to be with u guys on vent like xsxax they come west dsadsa21edwqsa amoooo½½!
Brokeback Mountain.
Avi . pm cf
from the blue blue mountains coming we!

as schneee would sing :P
I'm living in the mountains:D so gl
hi boOom
GL, nice guys, decent skil
goodluck natural boys
Quote# At least Med or better

Very nice clan to play against but you are not really medskilled or better :( gl anyway
1st. It was our first game together , no tax , nothing also some TBA's .
2nd. No teamplay and stuff
3rd. will see again in 2 or 3 weeks , thx
EDIT: 4th. I was only going for frags.
still, why would you search med or higher if you're are not med or higher yourself as a players and you're team does not get to this level either.
I think u didnt get my point man. First of all , i was not really mentioned as player but one g2g so i needed to join in. Second : with the right teamplay and tax we would be EASILY able to beat u , srsly. In the end when i joined in it was getting harder and harder for ur team =)
so nvm i ownd ur team often enough with other teams so i can still do it with mountainZ in a short period of time , i think u totally underrate me / the team =) bb
waiting for some to /facepalm this kid
gl drj3w hhhh
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