Cheaters everywhere...

Quote by overdriveHave you ever tried a bot back in your noob days?

Quote by mAusI used a bot 3 years ago for like a couple of hours, and I was thinking what is the funny part about cheating? Nothing. Imo 99% of the crossfire community used a bot once.

So tell me why does nobody care that mAus cheated? Because he's a top player, he is excluded from that list? :)

Nice community.
logs = ban
Alright my bad I didn't read that before I posted.
Anyway, it's not like he cheated in NC or EC final.
like he said
QuoteImo 99% of the crossfire community used a bot once.

so you can bust every 2nd or 3rd player tbh :)
So it's ok? Gon try it aswell then
im the 1 % who didnt..
im the 1 % who didnt..
im the 1 % who didnt..
im the 1 % who didnt..
im the 1 % who didnt..
combo breaker...
I Never cheated...
I never cheated too!
No surprise there tbh!
Mauz is an idiot.
im in that 1% woho

PS. so? he pwns, nobody care about it
He actually isn't that good, he rapes from the side and back... His aim is never perfect, when I play my best he is shit.
perhaps youre right
Trust me m8, he is way too overhyped. When I was playing my worst coming back after 3 years, how come I manage to pwn TAG with a random mix of med players. Yes they were real by guid etc...

Fatal1ty > Eddie > Mystic > Butchji > mAus
this tells more about you than the community.
That makes sense, good job.
think about what you wrote again, this time without any interpreted values.
Yup, still making sense. Good one.
you're such a retard lol, just think about what he said, and then remove the journal
Majority of crossfire didn't go to school or what? :/
Quotethis tells more about you than the community.

Seriously, you're simple

I know what he meant, but the statement makes no sense in terms of it's relevance.

God, people on crossfire are so stupid. Crossfire - A Retarded Community.
ofc it made sense lol, its just fucking retarded to say mAus is a cheater then, fucking testing a bot on a random public server when he started playing ET, then 70% of the EC players ever are hackers...
I don't care if it's mAus or it's mystic or it's ferus. A cheater is a cheater.
then none of the 'skilled' teams are clean, sir
QuoteNice community
What, so if mAus tried a bot when he was a nub, it means he is a cheater, fullstop?

He got to be high+ without hax, so please shut the fuck up?
So mAus gets a bye because he is mAus? Nice message to send out. Maybe David Beckham should rape your mother and get away with it because he is a celebrity!!


QuoteHe got to be high+ without hax
is the point why he shouldent be banned, no because he haz e-famez

Quoteplease shut the fuck up?
ben retourne sur et-fr et viens pas nous peter les couilles alors , what a frenchtard
It's obvious that YOU won't make a confession about cheating :].
I don't, and I am not defending maus by my previous statement or the lack of incense rage caused by it.

Although his statement gives the "mesqirewindandcompany scandal(?)" a bit of a new light since the times pretty much match up. :-p
I'm not that much into the mesqi@ rewind/helix story, but afaik mAus didnt play for rewind, did he? I only remember mAx saying mAus was in the top 5 of belgiums players even back then :O). Mesqi's clan was a joke anyway, I love the logs of decem about their lineup.:D
i never used it and i will never use it
Oh god please cry more.. like he would even need cheats to gain fun.. he even owned on a fucking LAN.
2 years ago I did the same, downloaded some ETTX shit bot, played couple of hours on a random pub just to see what it's like.. never using it in scrims or whatsoever, and almost instantly clear that it wasn't fun at all.. and I would guess there are a lot of such cases. Oh noes "selfbust", seriously..

Don't get me wrong I really don't like cheaters and stuff, but this is just retarded.
well i also used a bot once at .55 jaymod server without PB..... as if anybody gives a fuck about public
hhahaha n1
no one cares because he owned all @ lan
pffft, who gives a fuck... I know a pro CSS player who pwnt him @ 6v6 and his 3rd time playin the game. Infact they didn't even finish Goldrush, they quit with whine.


He used a bot at a pub probably, couple of years ago in a game where a lot of players did that.

What do you want us to do, get him banned for doing something irrelevant 3 years ago?
WOOT, never used bot in ET.. but in cod2 I did >:)
Enjoy your ban!
lol frizer cheated?
What`s wrong with cheating?
true, rolling nerds is always fun!
real proofes first, then ban.
ban overdrive too, he also admited cheating once!
ouh and hentai!
ouh and...
seriously who cares, it was 3 years ago, he didn't get busted and he prolly didn't use it competitively. even though i'm also part of those 1% zomg!!
So only the people that get caught serve bans?
would make sense or do you want to ban people randomly?
So if I went to the police station and told them I murdered somebody, they would say to me .. Proofs or gtfo right?
I think its pretty much what they would do.
awesome comparison.
It's a perfectly valid comparison, although far-fetched, the principle stays the same.
not irl, but that's how gaming works(most of the time :-D), proofs or gtfo(and atleast on CB, the proofs have to be newer than one year afaik(?)).
Didn't perfo get banned for something that happened years ago?
cb policy was different back then.
Changing rules to satisfy different scenarios does not change anything for me.
BAN Created 09 Jun 2007 14:27
PROOF From 22 Jun 2006 11:04
nah, the ban was within sight of the proof afaik.
I think its pretty much what they would do.
thats indeed what they would do
you are making no sense
Are you thinking straight? Point was the people that get busted by pb ss, kick or whatever serve bans but the others that cheat but don't get caught, but still confess that they have cheated .. run away free?

Does that make sense to you? If so, you're retarded.
it depends in what way, most people including me have cheated like 1 week when they discovered the game, when they never even heared about competitive gaming. I'm not scared to admit that and neither are a lot of others. For me it changes though when you are playing competitive and then cheat(without getting busted that is) and admit after that, then in that case I agree that they should serve a ban.
Seems like everybody was afraid to admit they cheated, until mAus has confessed. Now there are about 20 more confessions.
I have to be honest with you... I have cheated. All of this has happened before and all of this will happen again.
no way, you have cheated, I had never expected this from you al1 :o
i'm sorry man... it was just.. everyone was doing it so i thought why shouldnt I???
oh ye, forgot whole bmg was cheating sorry :<
you sure got bashed last time
i could prolly name you 10 people who also admited having tried a cheat some years ago and still noone cared about them.
okay less people have probably seen their "confessions" since it wasn't such a big 'news' (/interview) but only a journal or smth, but still.
well i've never made it a secret to anyone that ive cheated in the first week that I played this game + I never even watch ettv or anything neither did I know he confesed so nothing to do with maus. It's just that it is over 4.5 years ago, on my first fps game and having a friend that had a bot (icebot if I remember correctly) helped with it. Without knowing anything about shooting games at that time it was easy to just play with it a couple of times. Joined a jaymod clan after that week and never cheated since, actually started "busting" people at 2.55 in the years after.

Anyway I hope you get my point that there are a hell lot of people that don't/didn't know anything about the competitive site of gaming, those people don't deserve a ban imo. But people that play competitive and cheated, confess those do deserve it
That is not making any sense. :|
I cheated some days ago aswell, sue bust me.
you could still be cheating, considering the amount of private hacks you receive monthly
If i would use them i would be on the nC authdump database, and i have a static ip so there's no way to escape that :P
I didn't mean only nC hacks, but umm, nobody would ever manage to bust you anyway
testing cheats was never a secret before Killerboy appeared to the scene
well then he s just a cheater for me now. Never tried, never will. dont care if its a pub or EC final. If you rly wanna 'see how it is' download some shit and play at ur own hosted server with bots. What a retarded comunity, only cause maus cheated, now cheatin is cool, hah? that's sick, whats more all of you started to confess. best regards.
Finally, somebody who doesn't ride the mAus-fanboy wagon and actually speaks sense.
he talks in your perspective, doesn't mean others that don't aren't making sense..

people arnt arguing with you because they are riding 'the mAus-fanboy wagon', but because they think your fucking stupid and your arguments are wrong.

now, back to jaymod!
Oh yes. My arguments are wrong and yours is right.

What was yours again? Oh yeah, it's ok that mAus cheated because he is a top player dudes. Doesn't matter because he owned everybody at lan and we all love his fine belgian ass <333
he never said he cheated on a PB server...
I think we'd rather focus about you and your 9 day old account, what are you hiding?
Cheaters in ET ? Don't think so.
Well, I'm kinda positiva that mAus used the bot at a time a bit more than that (or then I just happened to see all that 3h action where he used it ":D")

But I haven't ever tested anything myself, and I could live with it if all that tested something would get punished somehow
that must be a compliment !
never cheated, never will
i guess the guys saying " i never used one / i never did it" are the ones we need do bust ;o

[ger] betroffene hunde bellen (oder so xD) [/ger]
I cheated on GTA yesterday does that count?
same here :< just the no hunger cheat and every now and then an airplane for long distances!
Used pale hook a while ago on a priv non pb serv boring as fook think i lasted about half an hour
old news.
I have never even tried anything.
You are just humiliating yourself.........xDDDDD
gimme etbot i want to use it for a couple of hours plz
u have right this Community suxx
ban by a bot used in 2003 , nice -.-
He cheated, I see people getting banned by Killerboy and other cheat busters, load of shit, you cheated once you banned for life. My m8 got hardware ban and was banned for LIFE from ET. Yet people get to still play and people accept it... WTF BAN HIM, HE'S A PRICK ANYWAY. IGNORANT UP HIS OWN ARSE PRICK.
i cheated too

in pokemon
never used it and i never will ":D"
now maus is just like all the other random retards that have cheated, pretty pathetic. And all the ones that admited cheating your no better than any of the busted cheaters from pubs/competiton . I bet most of the ones admiting cheating will flame any cheater that gets busted when infact you are the exact same retards that they are.
liek there was someone ever rly flamed, its moar liek laughing bout a bust, pls
nope they say shit like gtfo cheater and whine like hell about cheaters when infact they are the exact same as those cheating cunts. And with your reply it sounds like your in the "99%" group .
yes, tried a public one once..public hackin is overrated anyways, not worse than a giveammocheat in gta imo, however i was avout to go inactive back then so np
exactly your a cheater just like the rest thought thats why you replied at the start. And if you dont think theres anything wrong with public cheating that just shows how retarted you are.
that just shows how nolife you are
lol that just shows im right your a cheater who is more no life than anyone, sit and cheat at a free game how sad are you.

And just looked at all your clans in your profile you must be extra no life to have so many and you try to call others no life . lol what an idiot.
ye, thats nolife being in e.g. clans of musicgenres one likes & i dont sit @ pc all the time hackin, i was tryin one for not even half an hour..whatever, keep on raging bout cheaters in a freegame , nice life you got 2 care so much bout ridiculous things in egames
dont await another reply, im tired of you & your world turning only through gaming
hah exactly what i thought keep on sitting at your pc all day and hacking in free game how pathetic and sad .Have fun been no life and cant admit that you are.
mAus prooved himself @ lan, no need to discuss, with ore without his cheat he still rocks. end of discussion
and if he admitted he used cheats (wonndering if it was more than 5min) i'm sure it's because he could enjoy tards like u posting these kinds of gay journals!
Jesus, what the fuck has this community started to get like? Please when you have played above med+ and been playing since RTCW and when this site was launched, come back. OH WAIT, YOU CANT.

Back in the day it was if you ever cheated or even talked about cheating you were considered scum. Now you are saying omg I love him so much he cheated so what, it doesn't matter. He did good at LAN omg wow, he is so pro. Let me suck ur dick maus, cuz u is 1 hell of a owning bitch. NO.

You cheater lovers should be banned and stop licking so much arse. Get some skill and perhaps you will see that he is quite shit actually. Don't believe me ask the top players.
Good post bro, makes alot of sense, etc..

Seriously, most of the people on this site must have failed in school :[[[[

Let me guess the reply, Yes you are in this 'most' people, hahahaha pwned!!!
Jesus, what the fuck has this community started to get like? Please when you have played above med+ and been playing since RTCW and when this site was launched, come back. OH WAIT, YOU CANT.

Back in the day it was if you ever cheated or even talked about cheating you were considered scum. Now you are saying omg I love him so much he cheated so what, it doesn't matter. He did good at LAN omg wow, he is so pro. Let me suck ur dick maus, cuz u is 1 hell of a owning bitch. NO.

You cheater lovers should be banned and stop licking so much arse. Get some skill and perhaps you will see that he is quite shit actually. Don't believe me ask the top players.
"Let me guess the reply, Yes you are in this 'most' people, hahahaha pwned!!! " NO so u epic failed
2nd: chriz1337: top players should better stfu on that point of view, since they just get owned by him ;) proof is not difficult to find, just look jthe ettvs u got ;) AND ALL THAT WITHOUT CHEAT WATAFAAACK??

;) ;) ); );) 9

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