Good Evening..

..and welcome to the ..


i am available for upComing EC or OC..

i haven't bought wolfenstein YET as i don't see any competition yet.
all still too easy and there isn't any healthy pro mod yet as my mates
chris and hannes are still working on it. god bless'm

so yeah.. all the infos you need are here!

you can reach me in my channel named


image: kura_chiq
nice chick.
Edited with paint, no doubt!


DE JA VÚ ???
gl for the chick
Quotei haven't bought wolfenstein YET as i don't see any competition yet.

That's coz you don't idle in #wolfenstein.gather or read the news here at the site.

Suggest you do both.
omfg, the girl has ur name tattoed on her ass!
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