mase cless

sup gays \o/

i'm looking for a 6on6 team to play some funwars and the one or other offi.

about me

- 20years old
- german kraut
- low+
- have brain
- <3 to fail
- never cheated
- talking shit 24/7

<awake> cool kraut, i <3 him...always welcome to play with me, even when he's failing alot
<chAnce> funny guy, can play serious and you can laugh your ass of on ts with him. sometimes failing but kinda almost fun to play with
<guru{K3mikal}> fine player, funny and like to play with him often!
<Scirro> mase is a gay but i still like him cuz hey is very stupid and he always makes us laugh
<guru{blind}> great guy, active on comms, obj oriented player
<guru{praskOo}> he oftenly gets drunk, complains that his head hurts, but he still wants to play, and fails in absolutely incredible ways. he also fails when he isnt drunk, but hes a nice guy!
<macT3p> ya nice guy, often failing but its fun to play with him
<Severus> low+?? ahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaha

pls don't be polaks or some kiddies that take the hole et-shit 2 serious!

pm me here or @ #\o/

take me or fu! bb
good luck pwnzor
Quote<awake> cool kraut, i <3 him...always welcome to play with me, even when he's failing alot
<chAnce> funny guy, can play serious and you can laugh your ass of on ts with him. sometimes failing but kinda almost fun to play with
<guru{K3mikal}> fine player, funny and like to play with him often!
<Scirro> mase is a gay but i still like him cuz hey is very stupid and he always makes us laugh
<guru{blind}> great guy, active on comms, obj oriented player
<guru{praskOo}> he oftenly gets drunk, complains that his head hurts, but he still wants to play, and fails in absolutely incredible ways. he also fails when he isnt drunk, but hes a nice guy!
<macT3p> ya nice guy, often failing but its fun to play with him

gl ;D
thats the truth :(
Quote- <3 to fail

ich hab heute auch 3 sekunden gebraucht, bis ich den eng vor mir gesehen habe...naja fails eben
och teilweise seh ich se garnich un lieg dann einfach :D
:D^^ na dann gl
werd ich brauchen :D
bisher hatte ich keins :(
son mist, ich suche erst gar nicht (schlechtes internet, keine zeit)
naja zeit is bei mir so ne sache...arbeite wechselschicht ^^ inet is nichs prob...
3?? dsl und wlan haha
was 3? :D 16000+ lan :P
dsl 350 oder so -.- suckt richtig mit vent+et=lags; teamspeak+et=manchmal lags; muss mit 50 maxfps spielen
gut lack nigga! \o/
gl dAv1d, u is da best
gl, seems a nice guy when we play against him :D
cant remember :(
gl mase <3
maseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee <3
roachiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii <3
mase it the most nigga playah out there !
always fun to do a war with him
gl mase,nice player,always makes us laugh :D
take him
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