Yes I am cless and yes I might want to play in a clan again.
- 18 years old
- German and English speaking
- skilled & experienced
- mature most of the time
- avi 3-4 times a week 20:00 - 22:30
- lagging sometimes, but shoudn't be that much of a problem
- ex clans in profile
- Played OC Premier (If that fullfills any requirements)
- Somehow active
- ambitious
- 18+
- med/+ Skilled
- Eigher German or English speaking
- No retards/cheaters/whatsoever
contact: or leave me a msg in here
Cya around :-)
- 18 years old
- German and English speaking
- skilled & experienced
- mature most of the time
- avi 3-4 times a week 20:00 - 22:30
- lagging sometimes, but shoudn't be that much of a problem
- ex clans in profile
- Played OC Premier (If that fullfills any requirements)
- Somehow active
- ambitious
- 18+
- med/+ Skilled
- Eigher German or English speaking
- No retards/cheaters/whatsoever
contact: or leave me a msg in here
Cya around :-)
...not! D: