The Axis Complex

The Axis Complex ET Version

Maybe some of you know the old RtCW map "the Axis Complex". After more than 1 year of thinking about it, i decided to make an et version of it.

image: 20090912201807axcom35 image: 20090912201900axcom35 image: 20090912202120axcom35

some map infos:
the axis hold some stuff of secret documents in a bunker complex in the german "black forrest". the allies have to breach into the base, steel the docs and transmit em.

all in one its more a small map for 2on2 or 3on3 i think.
allready saw some bugs wich need to fix. but this version runs and is playable. and i think it can be a bit larger, wich whould make it 6on6 playable also. so feel free to post constructive feedback.

its been uploaded on this server and can be tested/downloaded there: eLemenT'MapTest

no pw and wwwdl is on.

or download directly here:

unfortunately cant play et yet :/
nice will defently try it :)
you should convert mp_chateau to ET, it's the king of maps
few years ago i played de_dust on some random et public, it was awesome !!
gotta try it tomorrow if I got time
will try tomorrow need bed now.. hope it's nice :D
you the guy/gal who made purefrag?
pretty nice map :)
it has potential but few things would need to be changed

the flag - additional way to get in :p
transmitter - the same
cp for allies a bit closer so they dont need to care bout the flag (or make the flag dissapear after blowing someting :p).
recapturing the flag is essentianl or rtcw maps... thats why frostbite got fucked up... no possibility of flag recap - no fun...

damn, my f letter seems to not work till i hit it really hard :<
we're talking about et mapping here so recapturing the flag is not that crucial :p Pushing back allies is a nice idea tho so maybe a cp spawn? Its destroyable so might be a bit better :)
yeah but cp will destroy the flow of map... making it kinda unplayable :D
Nice with new maps and so, but this map needs tweaking.

Quite similiar to Beach imo.
just let me know feedback and tweaks. this is just the 1to1 copy of rtcw version. still alpha version
I haven't played it enough to completely judge it, but the feeling I got was that it could use some work.

For example I got stuck between the ceiling and the railing just outside the docs room a couple of times ;D

But I think you'll get enough feedback and make it perhaps something to have in competition, keep up the good work!
nice idea, its a nice map to 2o2/3o3 :D
n1ce dude
jesus, i remember playing this alot in banimod alot, was awesome in osp aswell, keep the work up with rtcw maps (Y)
QuoteAfter more than 1 year of thinking about it

trying now
try to make for 3on3 and 6on6 or will be a epic fail...

nice map anyways :)
nice edit fucking nerd.

Yea very like beach, even the vent that you can crawl tru and drop down into the documents room, suppose its worth a shot!

Edit : What a stupid place to put the documents :|
you just have to jump (space) for taken..
etnies has it right, if you are in the room anyway why wouldent you pick them off a table?
seems like a random idea to put some important documents ontop of a cabinet
What was that map with all the roofs in it? I believe Winghaven made some frags on it in his first fragmovie. Can't remember the name though :< The map used to be played a lot few years ago.
Spent days playing this map:D nice map, but on ET?
great pics,cant see shit
well done
pretty small... I guess its ok for 2on2 but there are some flaws imo

e.g. there is no point in the flagplant instead of delaying the whole map by 30s as axis cant defuse it anyway.

the forward flag gives you a spawnpoint 5s away from your first spawn, sense?

good job still
how to vote for this map? need map name :(
QuoteAfter more than 1 year of thinking about it, i decided to make an et version of it.

Every day? Couldn't sleep in the nights because of that? ;XD
lol, no. the idea just turns around from time to time. i was not sure if it make sens to make for et.
didnt like it so mutch .. fieldops can pwn at the start
a good map for 3on3 imo
I like almost black screenshots, proper screenshots or gtfo!
That map is NOT on server!
if it helps delivery ro get the fuck off then sure
delivery is the best map ever.
You just need to know how to play it. I developed my own strategy on delivery, and I'm having fun every time I'm playing it. This doesn't mean I always win. ;)
i think i know what it is - lean in every corner possible and when the controls are done then you and all your teammates camp in the button room.
The controls room is breachable. You got 3 nades(in 3on3, as 3 medics) that you can use with your brain. ;)
I actually press 2 to get a grenade and time it with my mouse, I'm curious how you throw a grenade with your brains :D
What you sort of do is click a nade, eat it then use your power in your head to push it through your head!

This is a nice map, except the first stage.
could you change the map so that allies like have to break into castle wolfenstein and stop the opening of the portal into the veil dimension?
Need more smaller pictures.
cool pics, can rly see alot.
Lights are quite unbalanced. At some hallway they might look good but next one is pitch black. Wouldn't hurt to raise ambient/minlight up.
gotta try that map
nice but too small for 6on6 :(((
i will make a "first stage" to get it larger. with spawn for axis at the east bunker.
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