On a quest for a team ...

HEEEEEELLOOOOOO flaming crossfire community (including me ofc)

Im on the lookout for a team

About me:
- Skill: about poke+
- Class: engi smg / medic (aggresive or reviving) / fops
- Playing for 5 years ET now
- i can speak English, Dutch, Flemish

-I'm online when i turn my pc on ....

About you:
- Skill: dunno, somewhere between low- and HAI+
- Want a funky team XD, so i can have some laughs and stuff :D
- Have some tax (not to much, just enough), dont want to run around like a chicken with no head :s
- Maybe exist longer then 2 weeks :$ (or longer then 1 week is ok to XD)

Contact me:
- PM here :D
- PM Love_Therapy or BlownAway_OFF on irc, u can find me in #girlsonly.et

gl my friend :)
Joo Nazty Cool guy and nice player gl in finding clan m8te
gl you sexy boy <3
What about FiF?
thats nAzty :d
gl Nasty <3
I would never recruite anyone who likes Akon.
who is that stupid nigger
-I'm online when i turn my pc on ....
Good Luck nAzty.
Grap him quickly!
1 year, 9 months and 21 days = naZty
2 years, 5 months and 4 days = Me
i know, i was kidding about naZty =D
i have feelings to u know :'(
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