reky wants oc team

just starting to get back into et slowly.. Looking for an OC prem/2nd div clan ... perhaps further down the ladder if no one will take me -.-

Class : rifle
Age : 19
Country : MaltaMaltanesia
Ex clans : ESVKA, delite6 , Zapata , mixez , MaltaMaltanesia national team bla bla
availability : normally i am avi weekdays 8pm till 10 30ish sometimes im not and this shouldn't make you go apeshit.

Want from you : Just be nice bunch of guys to play with...
> Ex clans : mixez

image: 1253009272617
take him, he is a nice guy and he NEVER! teamkills.
*) has the power of unhittable maltese internets!

hf gl! <3
"Looking for an OC prem/2nd div clan"

hmmm? you realise ive been around for ages right lol
Well, already played with you!
uhm most games i've played lately i had to leave in the middle of them lol , i assure ya you dont have to worry that i wont be able to compete =)

p.s go flame somewhere else
I'm not flaming and am talking bout your performance several months ago. Prove your skill and I'll shut up.
gl mate! :) - Mr wnb admin "C"unt racist bastard!
cry me again a river prolly i gl u then :)
gl reky :PPPPPPPP
gl reky :)

funny thing is i've never even remotely heard of you and a look at your profile tells me you have absolutely no life lol congrats!
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