ehm, i worked for 8bits, cdap, pstarZ,highbot, one4one and a lot other mgcs+single team projects. i only would like to help some more unkown ppl getting their own projects startet.i think thats the best what you can do, help ppl.
Nice non sense flame btw
well atm you rly seem to be a retard...(didnt think in this way before you posted this shit comments)
you know nothing srsly
ask lazio Ross and co
ask the polish team with kot buzka r1co etc
ask fireball and hummel
ive done so fuckin much for that teams....searched sponsors, organised everything for lan, wrote news, posted wars at hp, set up bncs, made cups, was always avi when they wanted something from the clan....and much more
hab ne super nice scope mit der man auf dauer was machen kann, aber dafür muss erst nochn anderes team failen, wird noch so nen monat dauern^^ kennst das ja wenn einer rumflamed :P
cuz im always avi for some bigger teams as manager
Nice non sense flame btw
if these teams arnt big then im sry for you
useing a wellknown name after the real team died to try and setup a 2weeks team that keeps getting bashed is not big.
you know nothing srsly
ask lazio Ross and co
ask the polish team with kot buzka r1co etc
ask fireball and hummel
ive done so fuckin much for that teams....searched sponsors, organised everything for lan, wrote news, posted wars at hp, set up bncs, made cups, was always avi when they wanted something from the clan....and much more
so pls dont treat me like a kid, thx
wenn du wirklich skillte leute am start hast mach ich schon mit so[/ger]