vandereZ cless:o

Hai friendly people situated in the land of crossfire!

I'm gonna get started by introducing myself. I'm vandereZ and I've been playing ET for around two years aproxximatly, I'm not highskilled but I'm not lowskilled either! I think I can situate myself aimwisley in the med/- type but I'm a solid teamplayer ( an objective whore ) I haven't played ET activily in a long time but I have pubbed quite often, anyway I'm looking for a med- perhaps med skilled clan that is willing to take me into your feirce group of batallions =) pm me here or add my msn: [email protected]
gl :)

dl mirc
fuck off busted naab
seems like a nice guy, gl
i like u , gl :)
c'mon guys, im not asking 4 much :=d
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