getting aim up

my current skill would be best described as low,low+. what really bothers me, is that i cannot raise my acc. for example, on standard stopwatch, when playing against better players (40% acc ) i start with 25% and after some warming up it reaches 30, 33 max (including nasty leaning :p). me not happy with this :(

any ideas/tips on how to improve aim? besides the obvious training...
get wh =) (perfo got pretty good so ask him)
Wh doesn't actually make your aim better, but it can make you aim worse.
if you'd know :P
Actually, I know.
do not agree with that
aim on the head.
genius.. this will solve all his problems :D
Some don't have headhitboxes :(
well first you need get top stuff like good game mouse and good computer.

Don't really think you can raise anything with ballmouse (not sure) :P
listen to teh 12 year old boy. He's like high n stuff..
Lies i have a rotten ballmouse and i lay at 36-41% acc pretty much allways!

Ballmouse ftw! Laser mouse is just overused!
LIES I used ballmouse for a really LOOOONG time and I still owned perfoheiser :<
lol su kid u are nub
eat bread roll + banana like Adam Ma&#322;ysz..
aim for the body, not for the head if you want higher acc
the chosen one has spoken
get an aimbot like the rest
Just keep on practising with the same settings. Don't buy all kind of 'leet' mouseware etc. cause that ain't gonna help you. Play more pub, wars won't give you higher acc.
vesoljc back in action :O gl!
well, the hardware below is top notch :)

as for aiming, it's kinda true, i mostly aim for the head... often i notice than i even overshoot (above the head).

as for settings/config, here i'm quite lost... my current settings include fps lock on 125, higher fov 105-112, and maxpackets 100.

no pubz? nooooooo.....
Take fov 90 :)
Depends on which you prefer, you can't simply go from fov 120 to fov 90 :P
normal packts/fps relation would do the trick
you re sure you are not shooting on teammates?

pm me in #United-Colors might i can help;O (fnTc^ZaK-)
will do, tnx
You can't buy your way to leetness. You can't configure your way to leetness. You'll have to climb your way to leetness. Understand ?
for some time yes :)
get more fps + better mouse
CPU: x2 @ 2600
HD: raptor 74, seagate 300
Monitor: samsung 959nf
Keyboard: g15
Mouse: g5
Mousepad: razer control
Sound: x-fi fatality
Graphics: bfg 7900gt
Memory: 2gb ddr500
O/S: win xp
Headset: none, 5.1 speakers
Connection: adsl 1024/256


hope this does not look like a spoiled brat :)

i'm an avid gamer and a gamedev by proffesion, so having a good setup is a must.
which game developer do you work for ? :o
xubl is that in-house or did you just license it ? ive not come across it before.
raziel guide fo sure!
Practise makes perfect. Try to play against people the same skill / better than yours - then you will start to improve in not just your aim but probably your gameplay also, especially if you play matches instead of public.
agree, you shouldn't bother playing highskilled people when you are medskilled yourself; this will only annoy both parties. :>
ego ^
zo erg vond je het toch niet perfo? laatst toen ik je inmaakte?
kan het me niet herinneren.
zeggen ze allemaal :)
maar je had imo wel gelijk
ja maar wtf ? dan heb ik niemand meer om tegen te spelen ... ;x
ik moest wel lachen om die quote van scoot :P
acc is not so important in my opinion better try to hit the heads :o you will get a lower acc but more dmg to the opponent and then gib them what will lower your acc too :P
Move to Poland or Israel.
Headset: none, 5.1 speakers

Use a headset.
i dont think that my sound is weak, neither my spatial audio awareness, but will give a try dough... at least i'll get rid of my old crappy creative mic.

not to mention that ventrillo cursing wont bother other people :)
You will hear much more with a headset, ofc the quality of both your headset and soundcard matter too. Imho sound is very important as you wont be surprised anymore making it much more easier to aim.
In my opninion low acc is better because

- u aim @ head more damage
- gibbing

If u want higher acc try to aim for the body or just lower your sensitivity ;o
u can also get a high acc by aiming at the head :x i always go for hs and 40-45 acc
hmm sen overshoot yapmiyorsun ozaman

------ aiming there @ hitbox fucked up u only hit hs hi 34% acc
|------------------------- Making headshots and bodyshots aka getting acc around 40%
Gibbing does not lower your acc...
Kje si care!
use 90 fov, and ive always found that using a large + crosshair and trying to line up on the shoulders gets you a good mix of body and headshots and you can use it as a guide when tracking someone who is on the move eg on radar. Higher sens gives your more subtle control and should allow you to react quicker to enemies etc.
put your sense lower :) like 1 or something like that
30, 33 max (including nasty leaning :p). me not happy with this :(

xD i wouldnt be happy with this too :P
with alot of leaning i get 50 :x

get stable fps and try to get the perfect fps/max packets settings for u :o and get aim bitch! :D
xD i wouldnt be happy with this too :P
with alot of leaning i get 50 :x

never noticed that.
weil ich nie lean herr chaoz
1) Get a decent mouse&mousepad.
2) Never switch your config or sensitivity!
3) Be motivated while playing (it has no sense to play, if you don`t even want to or feel not good)
4) Train 3on3 to improve your aim and play 6on6 to improve everything else(due to 3on3 is just camping). I dont really know how much sense playing public makes, because I never really did it often.
5) Watch your demos and check your mistakes and the reasons why you couldn`t kill certain enemys.
6) Try to be always one step before your opponent with thinking.
7) Spec other players on ETTV to get new ideas and how they play.
8) Be lame!
100% agree - well spoken
uhu listen to this man !!

no serious, these are the aspects u want to be aware about
sicklow has spoken ;)

random pic:

image: sicklow
And while you are @ it read This
Remove mouseaccel from ur pc with the raziel patch, adjust ur config cvars till fill confortable with it (you can test it in the map example of raziel).
After u can see ur enemies perfectly at near and far range adjusting ur graphics, take some time to adjust your mouse settings (m_pitch,fov,sensitivity, etc). I DONT recommend you to use 2 fovs (near and far), try to find only 1 and learn to use it for both. Put your config up to your pc, my cfg wouldnt work to you so it will be useless to download it. U have to find your own one.
Get a point as crosshair not bigger than a head xD
Watch demo's from skilled teams and get gamesense; also watch demos of urself and try to solve ur faults.
Play lot's of 3on3's to improve your aim.
Apply it to bigger formats.
Anyways you will need a decent computer and stuff to be able to play fine, thats for sure.
Being registered on xfire doesnt give skill as lot of ppl think; to have in ur nick -je(or smth), or flame someone doesnt make u mid+; ur exclans wont define your skill, same as your stats (sometimes...)
Play with sense newbie!
Download some additional software, and voalja, new star is born !

(but for real, try different sense, fov, hitsounds 1/0, and other stuff, maybe change way as you hold mouse)
aim for the hitboxes, and trace them ( they are like 2 meters away from the head )
did i mention that i play with inverted y?
this probably explains overshooting... :O
if you're the vesoljc that i sometimes see on pub ( your nick is in green ) then you aim ok, no need to change settings or stuff, just keep on practising ;)
aye, i'm green :)
just keep playing with same settings =)
what are hitboxes :<
some ppl say: get hitboxes,, what do i have to do then, get a head or so? :<<<
It means they are finding it hard to hit you for some reason or another. Its just a phrase people use when they get frustrated.
ow.. a phrase for ppl who can't aim then?

kk thx
old hitboxes
Thats a box used to position the player on the map, for blocking, shoving etc. The actual proning hitbox looks different, you cant see it even when using debugmode. It was posted on the ETpro forum long time ago. I always found it a bit mysterious as you can't see the real hitboxes and they tell us they changed it ;) Ofc they did, but maybe the new hitboxes had some problems alligning with the maps or something so they kept the old ones for map placement.
play as a soldier with flamer to have uber acc :)
no it doesnt, they changed it so that when you hit a dead body it doesnt make you lose acc
omfg u sherlock!
tell me about it
the acc doesnt mean shit, ONLY THE VICTORY COUNT!!!
fix your sensitivity, you have to see if u'r a player that aims better with low, mid or high sens
try to test your sensitivity as much till you find it comfortable and stick to that sens no matter how bad you shoot at first, it will get better as more you play with it
sorry to tell you but that's total bs
if you keep on switching your sensitivity between fast and slow you'll always feel like "I could aim better with low sens", you lower your sens, you play few good games but finally you play against some polish who you cant hit even with panzer, you blame sensitivity, change it to higher, play few ggs.... etc
aim at the head
Mate, follow the player Sicks advices, and for those noobs who says that "aiming at the head is better" please fo, there is nothing worse then trying to keep a stead aim on the opponents head..aim at the upper torso(neck etc) that'll help you alot and higher your accuracy =)
i don't think watching players on ETTV will help. actually everyone has to find his own playing style which fits to his config.
if you are playing with a very low sens you just can't perform the same m0veZ like some guy who's playing with a higher sensitivity.

well i'd say:
- lower your sensitivity and deactivate mouse acceleration. some like to play with accel though, anyway you might just try. it can help you to keep steady tracking in stressy situations.

- get a config which lets you just concentrate on the most important things: for example i prefer configs with beamless colours and really hate bullet tracers. anyway, it if you'll once think THIS is the config you want to play with, just stick to it.

- your control settings should make it possible to perform fast movements while shooting. a good movement is the key to success. though i am wasting my sprint bar with some stupid jumping most of the time, it's might be fairly important to make use of the sprint button in some infights. i use the numpad for all important controls.

- playing "lame" can be pretty helpfull too. shooting an enemy first gives you some serious advantage.

@silent: 40-45%? die rewind ettv matches haben eher nach 15-20% maximum ausgesehen. aber reiß nur deinen mund auf du pr0.
ok leg dir nen 500 ping zu und dann ne 50 acc thx
auserdem hatte ich 40 aber wenn du meinst

btw was willst du spasst eigentlich geh und frag die admins ob sie opencup division 1000000 auf machen

und jetzt geh sterben kiddy

okay you need to hit with all your bullets, actully what I am doing in combat is that I pre shoot, the better reaction, the better aiming, the better acc, the better damage. Reaction > all!
lol pre shoot.. lamer
try to improve your aiming without crouch.
just unbind your crouch key and try aiming with only standing.

its first hard but you soon will notice that you can slightly improve your standing aiming skills with this little tip.

sometimes when i aim bad and stuff i just unbind my crouch key and try the learn accurated aiming in stand.
why should clanbase remove it, im playing with 166 maxfps and I like it :<
You also happen to use 125hz on your mouse? If you dont, give it a try on a public ;) Either ETpro do their hocus pocus or configs restrict it to 125hz.

In a perfect ET the spread would be equal for all players but it's difficult to program. ETpro has been aware of this bug for a long time. So they could fix it (highly unlikely), the can disable it (even more unlikely, would change feeling of ET) or we can cap fps at 125hz to try to make the game the same for everybody. Ofc you would still be able to less spread but it would be very difficult with fps capped at 125.
ye I use 125 mouse hz
I agree only if max-maxpackets would be raised from 100 to 125. Then ET would be as smooth as q3 :)

(also snaps-bug should be fixed)
Afaik, in rtcw you can't go more than 125 fps :) Restricted! Would be nice if it wasnt restricted in ET, but you would need a vid_restart for fps change, then the guys with 200 fps for no spread would have a lot of fun using pistol xD
zacni geekat 24/7
kot da 16/6 ni zadost
Then I could actualy kill something! Agree, cap at 43fps.

125fps is the most practical way to somehow even the playing field. USB mice dont work well on ps/2, they dont give stable polling rates. Even if you happend to play with a fullbred ps/2 mouse you would only get:

125-100/63= 40% less aimspread!

Who wants to play with 40hz anyway :P
what happen if i use 500 hz usb? 300% more aimspread? i dont think so its true that u wrote down :o

my settings: -maxfps 999 so 100-250 fps on maps;
-500 hz usb

plz calculate my aimspread :p
fixed :D

IF fps > hz

Or i'm saying this:
fps 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
hz 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

you are saying this:
fps 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
hz 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Seriously, what happen then if my hz bigger?
Your ET would register a mouseinput with every frame (as long as you are moving your mouse)

fps 250 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
usb 500 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

fps 125 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
usb 500 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
well, it's a good thing not a bad :p
did u ever see et @500 fps? goes completly fubar on my pc :)
what is fubar?
Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition
try using colt/luger @ 500fps
125hz 333fps nospread
formule klopt indien domein [125,250]
denk ik.
ask hein/confo
ask madsicentist in #mutilation next week.
imo circle aiming ftw
m_pitch 0.015

high sens

1000 hz usb

cl_maxpackets 100

com_maxfps 125

aimej na telo ce hocs met vec acc-ja
HAHAHAHAHAHA, Fragmovies and ettv =D

I hope you're kidding.
aim is overrated. start to lag?
or dl linux ?
lag + linux = wizzel, j0nas, unix
edit : viol & silent ;D
Psst soll doch keiner wissen :/
oh noesss :O
good config is important.
nope just right sens and skill :P
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