xTreme-Gaming needs player

Hello lads,
#xTreme-Gaming is searching another player, our lineup is:

Netherlands Fish
Germany mayZe
Belgium highsen

we mostly play 2on2 & 3on3 but sometimes we ask some friends to play 5on5/6on6.


- Have a mic.
- Play with Brain
- Be about med skill.
- Be a teamplayer.
- Use IRC and/or Xfire.

Well we are registered on clanbase but we don't really play offi's that much, we are basically playing for fun and have a nice time.

If you are interested, contact me at Xfire: xtremefish or IRC: xT|Fish (@#xTreme-Gaming)

Let the flame begin!
gl NobAdI
gl Fish!!!
gl mayze and fishi
i can play as backup, but my connection sucks :/
gl mayze
huh rarely available
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