mYTHOS is in need of....

image: 9th

mYTHOS is searching two backupplayers (guys/girls) for upcoming OC & L4F.
One of these guys/girls will probably be switched to mainlineup, because it could be that i have to leave to army soon.


~ german speaking
~ around med-
~ good on comms
~ no cheater
~ 18+
Monday from 21:00 - ??? CET
Wednesday from 21:00 - ??? CET
Sunday from 21:00 - ??? CET


~ around med-
~ no cheaters
~ funny (most time)
~ no whiners/flamers
~ germans & austrians

Austria eZe
Germany mUnduS
Germany rANDOM
Germany sc0rpi0n
Austria TRanSi
Austria xXx

Europe YOU
Europe YOU
Germany aTTaX (inactive)
Austria minos (kinda inactive)

What we offer:

~ TS2-Server (maybe changing to vent or mumble but not sure yet)
~ War-Servers
~ Good comms
~ Fun
~ Clanpage
~ IRC-Channel (sorry, we got no own bouncers :[ )

For more Information:

~ pm me >>> here <<<
~ /q sc0rpi0n_on @ #9th-dimension
~ add me @ xFire (todscorpion)

image: babemythos
random song!

PS: flame on!
Gooood luck!
gl mundus
gl mundus <3
eZe? : O gl guys
the Finland legend is back
gl jungens
gl dude and army suxx:-D
[ger]falls das n angebot is, isses ne überlegung wert :D
too late ;<
da is man einmal nicht zu hause...schon verpasst man das meiste :o
nice guys, gl!
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