Looking for gold

Sup /cf/ me again

You guys wondering who I am, well I am lets say the reincarnation of everyone that's awesome, so just recruit me. :D

Some about me
  • Belgiummotherfucker
  • languages Flanders/England/France/bodylangue (fluent)
  • Nice aim
  • some brain
  • around med
  • underdog, noone knows me for real
  • play the game for ages, grew up with ID games (DOOM Q1 Q2 Q3 RTCW ET)
  • questions, ask me

Some about you
  • Nice
  • Somewhat skilled, I want to learn from people
  • No whining shit and 2 week tears
  • Nice if its a BeNe team but others are cool aswel
  • unlaggy servers and vent and whatnot

now pm me to recruit me, or /q me at crossfire (Ubiq's the name)


...They said
no random bitch no gl
try to hide it better xD

but goooooooooooooood luck now :)

fast edit well done xD
i know my english sucks, but 'play the year for ages' what's mean?
typo, thx and fixed :d
good luck mr unknown owner
+1 for korpiklaani and gl
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