well , busted..

well I ain't CB admin yet , but I will do a early start with my job =)
busted another one ,

Nicknames : Crey , SexyBitch , Ki Ki Boom , LEASYBOY

CB info : http://clanbase.ggl.com/humaninfo.php?hid=3286678 ( he will be banned asap)

PB Screenshot : http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y249/CzGaMeR/Pics/pb000036.png

Country : Poland
poland omg
vid_restart bug
wtf crey you idiot?
very unexpected...
wtf darkrider
not busted yet
very unexpected...
he was busted like 3 times or smth, but still good job:)
if you get to be CB admin et will die within the next 3 days
+1 woodswhore
Country : Poland. I think i have seen this somewhere before.
[01:04] * 2009-09-21, 10:07:45: In7-fuego`-` ([email protected]): hey kankerlijer , waarom kom je ons niet uitdage dan met je In7 is low fcking mogool , ik heb 100 x gevraagt of exceed war wou jullie zijn zo bang , krijg eerst skill daarna moet je ffe comentaar hebben op andere fcking lowtard
50 warning points for posting logs gogo admins!
translate plz
hi cancernerd, why couldn't you challenge us with your fucking low in7 you retard, i asked you 100 times if exceed wanted to war, you're all scared, get skill before you put a fucking comment on another fucking lowbird

smth like that :D
basically he is pissed off because i said he is leading the lowest in7 team there has ever bin.

and he's talking about cod4 offis with someone else which is like, completely irrelevant...
'In7-fuego: krijg skill', UHM, WAT?!
Country: Poland :DDDDDDDDDDDDd
hes too low to hax
seen him searching high 3on3 yesterday...what a tard
Country : Poland

o'rlly?! That's news ;)
COD4 sucks? u are newskool, only playing for graphics, faggot :p
oh the lulz
heb 't wel gespeeld, COD heeft alleen leuke SP :p

nieuwe pc binnen trouwens :D van 't weekend alles regelen, dan ff warm-up paar dagen.. als geen baan meer heb dan weer fulltime ET ghahah
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