Smokey looking for cc7 team

Looking for some nice and decent peeps that want to go to enschede. Don't mind your skill. Just want to play on LAN. And win some money with my pokerface.

What can you expect from me:
- can fully pay for myself.
- crazy guy online and offline
- no LAN Experience xD
- Not wanna prac from sunday until thursday
- Some skill
- dutch/englih speaking
- Probobly sucking at LAN because of al the smoking and drinking

What do i expected from you:

- NO Lan-dodgers
- Teamplayers
- Wanna have some fun ( smoking/drinking). PLay poker
- No Gayboys

Pm on crossfire
Greetz Smokey
make team with me! and take diza also he is looking xD and emortal xD
zelfde hier als smokey.
gl dan maar ^_^
maak als manager zijnde een team :D
Hmm interesting. Maar ik ben nou niet bepaalt active :p
ach gewoon 1x in deweekpracc ofzo :D
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