nonpro-gaming needs a team.

Since we got some problem with sponsors, decided to leave us.

So we are in need of a new EC/OC-Team which is also planning on going to the CC7 (since it's announced now).

What we want:

  • stable team
  • active team
  • EC Qualy/OC premiere team
  • Germany prefered but Europe is also no problem
  • 6v6//5v5 only
  • no ex/cheater
  • funny, mature guys

What we offer:

  • top level domain
  • own design
  • Our homepage
  • #nonpro
  • BNC's + warserver(this or next week are our servers online again, but till now, we got one of shizo [thanks to him again <3])
  • voiceserver available (TS², Mumble, Vent2.1)
  • perhaps lansupport(not sure yet)
  • funny unserious guys(just look at kNocHe)

If you are interested and got some questions, just /q nonpro`gari in #nonpro.

Our homepage || #nonpro

We shoutout to everyone who likes us and especially ENHANCED <3
u lost ur team noob? :DDD
gl :>

<3 watching the youtube link right nwo.
did u pay for the design? Oo

or did you scrounge it from someone, like your bnc's, servers, least everything?
ax3l bought the design.

also what problem do you have?! if i get the possibility to get those stuffs for free, so why do i have to pay for it? in case that are overall good mates from ax3l and me, we help them at some problems and for that they'll give us something.
nice organisation & guys, deserves a good team
gl knoche + gari und dem rest der rasselbande
#smanetti.bros , 3on3/2on2 team, no OC/EC but we will go to CC7 fo sho!
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