Bluman @ cc7

My good friend bluman is searching for a nice skilled team for cc7

He plays rifle and fops

he can pay for his trip but he needs someone to share a bed with him, for security at night (?) he says
prolly a fagg
take soossi with ya
I would but he is hacker so too low for lans :<
hey, don't forget soossi and the bot
what an noob
he have to take his mom with him, 12 years old boys cant be alone for weekend ;(
wasnt he busted on some list? :o
cant see bluman there
bluman aka Zelot
false. meatspin is zelot
u must be more idiot than i thought regina oh i can see ur name is on that list too xDD
btw.regina where is ur bf girlfriend now?

QuoteIf you are a real nC customer... and you got busted, don't worry, you can always disappear from this list faster than you can think! Just write to killerboy, give him your nC account like Bluman or other tards and keep playing on high level, lol.
aivan ku se olis pelannu high tasolla joskus, kuullu koko jätkästä ennen tätä topiccia
lowbob tää on aina ollut mut wnb high, hiukan huonol menestyksellä kylläkin xD
yeah it was 1.5 years ago and i suffered the consiquenses, but still you come here to praise how old members of ur teams have got owned because they hacked and shit. really pathetic. could you just leave it? its a game man

quoting yuppie? well thats new

and where should my girlfriend be? at the moment she is prolly home. not having a pocal doesnt mean i dont have a girlfriend anymore. retard.
I can see angry busted NC customer here....

have u ever thinked how mutch money u have wasted? 160 euros or more? free game is guite expencive if ur player whos skills are from private bot :)
not even near to that amount of money. anyway, of course i am pissed off i did such a mistake

the thing i dont understand why you continue creeping us and shit? what is your problem?
lol pitää mennä johoki cc7 vitun nörtti
vittu sä oot tyhmä :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD
tyhmä se on joka menee ilmasen pelin takii jonneki ulkomaille. ja vielä liput maksaa maltaita
:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ei vittu luuletko et tää on tosissaa tehty vitun pässi
no sää et ehkä oo antanut ku pari bottia killerboylle mut mieti heneä xDDD
zelotti on antanut kans ainakin yhden.. halvaks tulee poikien äideille tää ilmanen peli

emt. mikä on uusin etbot versio numero on mut tossa blumanilla(zelotilla) pyörii versio 4.18

CPUID: 454d5a47
Description: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3200+
System: A M I - 11000530
Video: Version
Geometry: Cylinders[ 0 24321 ] Heads[ 255 ] Sectors[ 63 ] Bytes[ 512 ] Space [ 186 GB ]
Folder: C:Windows
User: Käyttäjä
Total: 2095808 KB
Addresses: 00:13:8F:1E:C0:42
', 'taskmgr.exe - Windows Tehtävienhallinta
explorer.exe - Käynnistä
explorer.exe -
explorer.exe - etBot.v4.18(P).winXP
mirc.exe - mIRC
sidebar.exe - AppBar Bullet
sidebar.exe -
sidebar.exe - Sää
sidebar.exe -
sidebar.exe - Suoritinmittari
sidebar.exe -
sidebar.exe - Kello
sidebar.exe - Windows Sidebar
msnmsgr.exe -
firefox.exe - - Mozilla Firefox 3 Beta 3
yhen oon ostanu, yhen oon antanu.

ja toi ei ees kai oo blumanin koneelta. blumanilla on intel q9550
moi atte
2 kertaa oot listalla ainaki ollu
moi rami
totta tuo, toisen kerran jälkeen annoin pois, sama accountti. en oo kahta bottia ostanu sentääs
aika heikkoo
myönnän ja koko juttu vituttaa. ois löytyny parempaa käyttööki fygyille
we all know bluman is zelot
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